Who would love to get to the internet from boat??


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 26, 2004
I would like to know how many of you would use a service provided wireless to your laptop or PDA they could provide details in real time weather and navigational information and unlike the pay as you go plans out there they could provide this at no charge. This would also include access to the Internet. <br />I know I would like to be able to have access to local charts at my finger tips tie it in to a GPS and it could give you your exact location.<br /><br />Just wondering if I’m ahead of my time on this still?<br />Alex


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

Alex - there are a couple different services that target boats specifically for telephone and internet connection. Intended for trans-oceanic travel but can be used anywhere. One (both?) of the services has realtime weather via fax and/or web. I was just reading about the two services in Powerboat Reports. Satellite based, not cheap.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 26, 2004
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

Yes I have read about them to But I was thinking of a more Marina based thing that could send out the wireless via normal wireless lan.<br />more for inland water ways. <br />Alex


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 10, 2004
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

Of all the things I do / have done / and would EVER like to do on our boat... logging on the internet would certainly not appear on my list.


Aug 13, 2003
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

Originally posted by datawire:<br /> Of all the things I do / have done / and would EVER like to do on our boat... logging on the internet would certainly not appear on my list.
Couldn't agree more. Do you have any idea how much money it would take to set up such a service on even 1 water body? ALOT!

John Carpenter

Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 1, 2002


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 4, 2004
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

Originally posted by Alex P Smith:<br /> Yes I have read about them to But I was thinking of a more Marina based thing that could send out the wireless via normal wireless lan.<br />more for inland water ways. <br />...<br />Just wondering if I’m ahead of my time on this still?
I think you're still a little too far-thinking for the real world. ;) <br /><br />As it stands now, if you want regular wireless (802.11b or g, or even bluetooth), you're talking about a range of a few hundred meters (maybe) in good, non-obstructed, line of sight kind of conditions *at best*. There really isn't a good way of getting truly broad coverage without dozens (or in the case of lakes I'm familiar with, hundreds) of APs. Then it becomes a cost issue that no one wants to deal with, especially not for free, as you would want. <br /><br />On inland waters, a cell phone modem is your best bet, cost-wise, and then there is the satellite otion. <br /><br />I'm sure there are marinas with localized hotspots that you could gain access to with your regular WiFi or bluetooth setup, just not out on the open water, so to speak.


Jul 18, 2004
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

FWIW<br />The city of Grand Haven here in Michigan just had a company setup up a city wide wireless network. I think it is $20/month for unlimited access from anywhere in the city...even in your boat down at the dock, or cruizing down the channel. Maybe even in your boat moored off the beach. They say the antenna that gets the most activity is at the state park. Trees and other obstructions have caused issues though.<br /><br />I would love to be able to pull out my laptop anywhere and use the net. There are so many times I think about checking weather or other stuff when I'm not at home.<br /><br />Edit just found this story:<br /><br /> http://www.walkersands.com/Grand-Haven-First-Citywide-WiFi.htm <br /><br />It says you can get on 15 miles out into Lake Michigan.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 4, 2004
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

Interesting link, Rotary. We've been doing the same thing in my city for a couple of years, 'cept it's free :D . <br /><br />Here's a not-great link talking about it from a couple of years ago. <br /><br /> http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/science/07/31/coolsc.wireless.cloud/ <br /><br />It's even better now with all of downtown and almost every bit of the UGA campus covered with it.<br /><br />I'd really be interested in how they're getting it 15 miles out into the lake. I know it carries better over water than populated land, but still, that sounds unrealistic to me.


Jul 18, 2004
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

Not sure there is any mention of the 15 mile range at the company's website but here it is if you want to see a coverage map and other info.<br /><br /> http://www.ottawawireless.net/


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 4, 2004
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

Thanks, Rotary! I am not sure of the technology, but they said that a 12V marine WiFi radio (whatever that is exactly :) ) is required at a cost of $699.99 plus installation :eek: ! Wow. Guess that's not exactly free or cheap :( . Might as well get sat coverage. then at least you're covered almost everywhere.<br /><br />We'll just give 'em a few years. We'll have it.


Jul 18, 2004
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

You're right in a couple of years it will be cheaper and more available. I just saw the $699.99 also. I guess you got to start somewhere. This will catch on. Soon that antenna will only be $140 and you will be able to get on anywhere along the coast of Lake Michigan.

cobra 3.0

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 31, 2003
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

...satelite internet anyone? :D


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 15, 2004
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

If you have digital service for your cell phone, you can access the web via laptop or pda with special connector. I use to do this years ago to get forecasting models when storm chasing in the Great Plains.<br /><br />Also, for good USGS and nautical maps online, try http://mapserver.maptech.com/homepage/ <br /><br />New expensive GPS units also have this functionality (similar to XM radio)


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 29, 2003
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

I'd rather spend my money on some more beer.


Oct 24, 2003
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

Originally posted by cobra 3.0:<br /> ...satelite internet anyone? :D
already have it, my cousin uses it out in the sticks in PA. she gets it through her direct tv subscription.<br /><br />id say that the cell phone modem trick with the laptop would be the best bet , at least now. but as said above, who really wants to use the internet on a boat.<br /><br />although the looking up of charts is a nice idea :)


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 26, 2004
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

First I know all about the limitations of the equipment since I spend my days and most of my nights designing and planning wireless infrastructures for Internet free zones enterprises, outdoor activities (special events)<br />Trade shows <br />I have done just about all but would like to do something in the marine environment. I know it can be done.<br /><br />I do not believe the end user should pay for the Internet hell there is just about every type of business hocking their product on and they should pay since they advertise. This is not to say that if someone wants a faster connection they shouldn't pay for that. Eventually there will come a day that no matter where you are you can connect to the rest of the world. <br /><br />I just think the access to information in it self would be a benefit there will be other benefits both for the end user and the marina That provides the service The advent of Voice over IP that I use on a daily basis provides me the ability to call anywhere in the world that has internet for free. No long distance fees Great for calling friends and family.<br /><br />For the marina they could not only advertise but also provide lots of other services that they could generate revenue from as well as tax breaks. In Canada anyway, not sure about the US laws.<br /><br />Anyway just wanted to get an idea of what the general boating population thought.<br />I know that there are some of us who still remember crank phones me included. <br /><br />I know I want to be on the front of this wave and it is coming.<br /><br />Alex.


Aug 13, 2003
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

I hate to tell you, but there is NO way you could provide this for free and not loose money. It's just not going to happen...


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 26, 2004
Re: Who would love to get to the internet from boat??

Originally posted by ZmOz:<br /> I hate to tell you, but there is NO way you could provide this for free and not loose money. It's just not going to happen...
Who said anything about free I guess I did give this impression.I just said the end user shouldn't have to pay for it.<br />It should be paid for by the ones who use it to help earn profit. :cool: <br />Alex