Sam, the links in those images are currently broken links due to different database formatting in this version as opposed to the previous database version as I said, it is format changes in the database currently causing the problem, and it also depends on how those images were first place on this website, if they were uploaded to the iboat server, then until the full conversion of the database format is all done, which I can obviously see it is not, then images are not going to show up. It takes a while with any database upgrade to get all of the cell formatting updated to the new version.
Now, I am sorry, that might not be a satisfactory answer for some, but it is what it is an it will take time. The database link I am talking about it not the same as an internet link, images are stored in a directory and assigned an identifier as to where the location is, when you upgrade to a newer system the database link can and often times is in a different format based on the particular database software you are using, this software uses a mysql database, which when upgraded to a newer version changes cell linking formats and naming formats. Those images are still on the server, but right now that database does not know how to find all of them.
Again, I am sorry if that explanation is not what some want to hear.