Re: Wheel bearing grease on inside of rim (follow up)
If it's a single-axle without brakes the inner & outer bearings are probably the same size in which case it shouldn't affect how far onto the spindle it goes. <br /><br />But the bearings & races wear down together as a set so should be reinstalled back to where they were before.<br /><br />The seal shouldn't make any difference on how far onto the spindle it goes, either. Mine has way more than 1/3 of an inch, but yours ought to look the same as it did before you took the old seal off.<br /><br />I agree with rwidman, tighten it down good, then back it off. If you've driven it at all yet, I'd take the hub off & have a look at those bearings, just to be on the safe side. <br /><br />I have only just discovered that I have a leaky seal and the reason is because when I installed it I wasn't careful enough to get it in straight, it's just the tiniest bit off, but note the importance of getting it exactly straight.<br /><br />That also seems to make the bearing buddy want to come off - I lost one & almost lost the replacement; hopefully a new properly installed seal will resolve that.<br /><br />Another thing not mentioned yet in this thread which you may already know: if there's any discoloration on the spindle where it meets the seal, get some emory cloth & polish it clean.<br /><br />let us know how it comes out.