whatda heck.. no payed vacation/holiday


May 17, 2001
Re: whatda heck.. no payed vacation/holiday

I think some of you are missing the point. Back in the early 70's and before, most households only had one spouse working. Therefore someone was always home supervising the children. Today with family expenses and demands, both spouses have to work. Who is supervising the children?<br /><br />When parents are too busy making a living to be with their offspring, the family unit is not a close one as it should be.<br /><br />My son is a good case. During the important years of rearing him I was working a job that demanded me at anytime they needed me. Example..planned a vacation to take the kids to Orlando. Had reservations and the whole bit. Two days before going, they canceled my vacation and did not pay for my reservations. (this happened many times, plan something and have to cancel) Kids didn't get angry with my job, they got mad at me! So now I have to make up the extra hours to get back the money that was lost in the deposits.<br /><br />Yeah, your right about slaves don't get paid. But they were given their food, housing, clothing, and basically the stuff they needed to survive on. Jobs that pay diddly squat that just barely supports a family unit is a form of slavery. It just covers their living expenses.<br /><br />Just quit or find another job? Easier done than said. If you live in an area where jobs are few, don't have the money to move, you are stuck in your job. Now if you don't care about paying your bills, yeah, go ahead and jump around. Eventually the tax payer is going to pay for your mistakes.<br /><br />I really don't like my taxes going to pay for peoples mistakes. If I make a wrong financial decesion, I don't expect to cry and beg for someone to help me. Its wrong in my eyes.<br /><br />I'm not like John Kerry, I have worked hard to have what I have which isn't much. <br /><br />If you ever had to support your family of 4 on minimum wage with just one spouse working, you will know where I am coming from. It is easy for some people that have a comfortable income to say it is their fault for not making their life better.<br /><br />If you don't believe it, then quit your job, give your money away and start over without using your profession to make a living. Work a job that you don't like for low pay and see how well you do. Then you may understand.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 14, 2004
Re: whatda heck.. no payed vacation/holiday

SSMAyfloat wrote: "Yeah, your right about slaves don't get paid. But they were given their food, housing, clothing, and basically the stuff they needed to survive on."<br /><br />That kind of thinking is frightening.<br /><br />If tax rates were not as high as 43%, we wouldn't have to have to have two income families. In 1960, the top rate was 4%. Too many people riding, not enough pulling. Government only has one purpose. That is to protect the citizens from enemies. The enemy is now within.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: whatda heck.. no payed vacation/holiday

Originally posted by 1730V:<br /> SSMAyfloat wrote: "Yeah, your right about slaves don't get paid. But they were given their food, housing, clothing, and basically the stuff they needed to survive on."<br /><br />That kind of thinking is frightening.<br /><br />If tax rates were not as high as 43%, we wouldn't have to have to have two income families. In 1960, the top rate was 4%. Too many people riding, not enough pulling. Government only has one purpose. That is to protect the citizens from enemies. The enemy is now within.
I guess they were counting on a short memory, ehh, 1730V?


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 14, 2004
Re: whatda heck.. no payed vacation/holiday

Absolutely Boomyal. They know that facts are no longer taught in the government schools.<br />As our dearly departed Ronald Reagan said: "government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem."