What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

alumi numb

Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 12, 2008
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

Well, if you can't outrun him: Boat paddle to the sniffer.

If that don't work: Deep cycle to the sniffer.

If THAT didn't work: Smear yourself with feces (you should have an ample supply at that point) and pray that his sniffer still works.

now that's good. LMAO

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

30-06 and he would be a rug on the floor infront of the fireplace.


Jun 13, 2007
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

Your odds of having any altercation in the water with a bear approaching are so low it's probably not worth the planning.:eek:
You are not part of their food group or their social group for that matter. The only thing that would bring them to you would be them looking out for their cubs or you having food of some sort.
A momma bear, doesn't want to eat you she just wants you to leave the picture...so leave quickly. As for a hungry bear...just throw your food in the water, away from the boat and row away....and you're good.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 18, 2002
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

Black bears will usually avoid people unless you are disrupting their dinner table or threatening their children.

I would be more concerned about wolves.
Seen a small pack running the shoreline here in northern WI, about a month ago. Couldn't convince the wife to go up on shore to water the trees.

Black bears can also be a problem if startled. But otherwise, will generally leave people alone.

I worry about Cougars. There are two kinds of cougars, those you don't see that are well enough fed and will leave you alone and those you see that are, generally, hungry and underfed. They scare the crap out of me as their hunger will overcome their fear. It's the one animal where I am more afraid of the one I see than the one I don't.

And I have no comment about cougars at bars.

CN Spots

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 19, 2005
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

You would want to avoid the well fed one of this type. :D

Same defense as for the bears:

Throw your food in the opposite direction and run away.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 10, 2009
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

You know you don't have to outrun the bear......Just your mate!!!:)


Jan 25, 2008
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

I worry about Cougars. There are two kinds of cougars, those you don't see that are well enough fed and will leave you alone and those you see that are, generally, hungry and underfed. They scare the crap out of me as their hunger will overcome their fear. It's the one animal where I am more afraid of the one I see than the one I don't.

And I have no comment about cougars at bars.

I thought you were talking about the bar cougars...:confused: :D

I heard a cougar (4 legged type) up on shore one night growling and carrying one, kind of spookey for sure. I swore if I heard splashing coming towards the boat I was out of there!


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 10, 2009
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

Down here in Florida, not much of a bear problem. We have a few black bears, but you would probably be more likely to run into a panther. Now, the one thing that I see all the time, day or night, is alligators. I remember one time as a kid (13 years old) my parents were towing me on the tube through an idle zone. It was just turning dusk, and I was riding the tube with my feet dragging behind it in the water. I looked over my right shoulder, and there sat at least a 9 footer no more than 25 feet away from me. He was hiding in the cattails by shore. I will tell you this much, the wake I made from that tube while I was pulling in the tow rope to get to the boat was enough of an offense to probably put me in jail. I've never pulled in 75 feet of line so fast in my life!


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 23, 2009
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

Turn around, drop the trousers and show him a bigger bear. He will cower off, or drown laughing.

alumi numb

Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 12, 2008
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

I thought you were talking about the bar cougars...:confused: :D

I heard a cougar (4 legged type) up on shore one night growling and carrying one, kind of spookey for sure. I swore if I heard splashing coming towards the boat I was out of there!

uummm, i'm planning on running the green river to moab friendship cruise.
could this be something to think about?????:confused::(


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2008
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

For a swimming bear:
1. Crank up motor and run
2. Wonder where in the heck a bear came from in N. Texas ??
3. Shoot him with one of my big flares, after consulting with all of the proper authorities, of course ;)


Jan 25, 2008
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

uummm, i'm planning on running the green river to moab friendship cruise.
could this be something to think about?????:confused::(

Cougars have a broad range out west and they cover that area for sure, but I really doubt you will see one. They are solitary animals and I have never seen one out in the wild,,, I don't think they like us much.

As TackleWasher said; It's the one animal where I am more afraid of the one I see, than the one I don't.

Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 2, 2007
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?
Funny you should ask, that happened to a guy near Victoria.
His boat was docked, a bear swam over, climbed onto the swim grid and into his boat , he threw the fish he was cleaning in the water and the bear started mauling him.
His neighbors courageously came up with gaffs, pulled the bear off the guy and through a window, then slit his throat with a fillet knife.


Feb 22, 2008
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

Down here in Florida, not much of a bear problem. We have a few black bears, but you would probably be more likely to run into a panther. Now, the one thing that I see all the time, day or night, is alligators. I remember one time as a kid (13 years old) my parents were towing me on the tube through an idle zone. It was just turning dusk, and I was riding the tube with my feet dragging behind it in the water. I looked over my right shoulder, and there sat at least a 9 footer no more than 25 feet away from me. He was hiding in the cattails by shore. I will tell you this much, the wake I made from that tube while I was pulling in the tow rope to get to the boat was enough of an offense to probably put me in jail. I've never pulled in 75 feet of line so fast in my life!

You have the florida panther down there, saw one in the wild at Myaka state park near Sarasota, he was slinking down to the waters edge, I was wading flyfishing. I thought it was a dog and called out to it, it slunk off very low to the ground and I thought thats a funny looking dog. Rangers told me they are rarely seen. But gators yeh, lots of them and they WILL go after you.
Now you got big snakes down there too.:eek:


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 11, 2008
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

For a swimming bear:
1. Crank up motor and run
2. Wonder where in the heck a bear came from in N. Texas ??
3. Shoot him with one of my big flares, after consulting with all of the proper authorities, of course ;)



response: Sorry, if the bear is not actively killing you you're not allowed to harm so much as a hair on his hide out of season.:eek:

Oh and by the way, If you should cause the bear undue distress before he actively tries to eat you we will prosecute.:eek:

Sorry, there mister bear I felt I was in danger and didn't bother getting all the paperwork before turning you into steak.:D

Sorry for the lack of respect for proper authority.


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2008
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?



response: Sorry, if the bear is not actively killing you you're not allowed to harm so much as a hair on his hide out of season.:eek:

Oh and by the way, If you should cause the bear undue distress before he actively tries to eat you we will prosecute.:eek:

Sorry, there mister bear I felt I was in danger and didn't bother getting all the paperwork before turning you into steak.:D

Sorry for the lack of respect for proper authority.
I called the "proper authority" one time after hitting a manatee. Boy, that was a huge mistake. Got the first, second, and third degree on that one, even though I was in the channel, miles from any manatee zones, and generally just trying to be somewhat responsible by reporting it.


Vice Admiral
Dec 5, 2007
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

The real question here, is whether or not you are smarter than the average bear!



Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 29, 2007
Re: What would you do if a bear swam toward your vessel?

Heading down river idling in a 18ft lund with a 40hp loaded with wood and having to stand up to see. That's how high i had the wood stacked.
I had a momma black bear start heading down the bank to me to protect her cubs. She was close to 25ft away.

I swung away from here and was getting the 44mag ready when her cubs called and she turned around to head back to them.
After they called she ran to them and stood up at the brush line to make sure i was not following.

I was in shallow water and did not have much deep water to go to as she was where it was.
If she would have made it to within feet of me then she would have gone down.

Black bears are more dangerous than brown bears.
They will countinue to chew on you till they are done eating.
Browny's will chew on you till they think you are dead or you drive them off.

If i had time i would fire off a warning shot or throw something out to occupy them.
But when any dangerous get to close they will get shot.