What were you doing last year on 9/11


May 16, 2002
I don't think anyone will ever forget that day which changed our lives forever. For myself I was on the Bridge coming back from the Canada Side from visiting the Falls and just happened to turn the radio on just as the second Plane hit the Towers. It took us over an hour to cross and all the time wondering what was coming next.<br /><br />It was the longest seven hours of driving I ever had to do. All I wanted to do was to get Home to my family.<br /><br />Can you remember what you were doing at the time when World stood Still?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

Yes, Gonfishn. I remember well.<br /><br />9/11/01 was the first anniversary of my dear mother's death in her 90th year. I was sitting at this terminal exchanging thoughts of Mom with my brother and my son by Instant Messages. <br /><br />I had the TV on and it was on the Today show (NBC). They were "on the story" within seconds of the first hit and we each, in our seperate locations, watched the story as it developed and exchanged ideas about it. My Brother almost immediately believed that it was a terrorist attack.<br /><br />We lost a couple of distant relatives and a few friends in the towers. I feel very sad when I think of all of the pain associated with the date, for so many people.<br /><br />For some reason, I don't feel anger at the perpetrators, or even Bin Laden. I only feel hope that we and our allies prevent this sort of thing from happening again. That probably means that Bin Laden and his followers must be exterminated like any other deadly vermin. I would approve of that. :(


Apr 20, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

Teaching a class. I think that before the princpal actually announced anything about the events the word had spread and every TV was on CNN and suprisingly every class was quiet. I actually got to see the second jet crash into the tower via TV and the results of it. I used to think we should not bother all of the idiots (for lack of using language I want to) that burn flags and curse America (and others) and what we stand for. I thought if we left them alone it would give them less and less to fuel thier fires. Now after seeing live (Via TV) what these people are able and willing to do I say exterminate the lot of them. We start with Osama and work our way down the list and woe betide anyone that openly or covertly agrees with him and his methods, helps him or his backers and/or followers or objects to what we do.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I was on a fishing trip to Dale Hollow and woke up that morning just about to get onto the boat from the houseboat when my wife said wait a minute that something was up in NY. I went back and watch with great pain as the towers fell and found out about 8 hours later that my brother and two of our friends had died there. Amen peterfishbuster, I have no mercy for anyone that would do anything to this great country of our's.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I was yelling at a new guy on my crew for being a wuss about cutting down a 5 " oak tree with a machette.<br /><br />Just as the tree that I was cutting down hit the ground my cell phone rang.<br /><br />It was my boss calling me to tell me that the U.S. was under attack....and that was all he said to me before we got cut off. :eek: <br /><br />I did not know what was going on so I called home to tell the wife to get some things packed and round up all the ammunition for my guns and turn on the TV to find out what had happend.....from what my boss had said I was thinking along the lines of that movie " Red Dawn ". :mad: <br /><br />I found out in short order what was happening and called off the counter strike. :eek: <br /><br />Its funny that the job I was on was for the water treatment plant and I drove right up and started to work....now I almost have to go through a retnal scan and give D.N.A. samples to get near the place. :rolleyes: <br /><br />The only constant in the univirse is change....guess we will be doing a lot of that for awhile. :( <br /><br />Derwood.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I was yelling at a new guy on my crew for being a wuss about cutting down a 5 " oak tree with a machette.<br /><br />Just as the tree that I was cutting down hit the ground my cell phone rang.<br /><br />It was my boss calling me to tell me that the U.S. was under attack....and that was all he said to me before we got cut off. :eek: <br /><br />I did not know what was going on so I called home to tell the wife to get some things packed and round up all the ammunition for my guns and turn on the TV to find out what had happend.....from what my boss had said I was thinking along the lines of that movie " Red Dawn ". :mad: <br /><br />I found out in short order what was happening and called off the counter strike. :eek: <br /><br />Its funny that the job I was on was for the water treatment plant and I drove right up and started to work....now I almost have to go through a retnal scan and give D.N.A. samples to get near the place. :rolleyes: <br /><br />The only constant in the univirse is change....guess we will be doing a lot of that for awhile. :(


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

Sorry bout the double post Gents.....my computer has the "ride the lightning blues".<br /><br />Derwood.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

thats ok wood, it happens to the best of us. :cool: :D


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I was at work and heard the news over the radio. Not too much got acclomplished but we listened to Vermont Public Radio all day. <br /><br />As we listened to the news we "surfed" other radio stations in the area and I was horrified to find one still playing music. To this day I refuse to listen to that stupid station.<br /><br />I guess to sum it up I do remember where I was during allot of world events which flashed through my mind: The day JF Kennedy was assinated,the day Nixon resigned, the Day Reagan was shot, the Pope,the Iran Hostage crisis and rescue attempt, the day we bombed Libya, the Marine Corps barracks in Beruit, Grenada, Panama, the Gulf ....just to name a few. I guess being in the US Army being deployed or on the verge of it kept me aware.<br /><br />Moments after the attack on 9-11 my prayers went out to the families and to all the soldiers that I knew would be involved. Within 12 hours of the 9-11 attack I was on the phone volunteering for callback onto active duty and showing my support.<br /><br />Bob US Army Retired

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

Early wakening is a constant problem for me and I'd just turned the TV on when the second plane was videoed going into the tower. Over here that was about 0100hrs.<br />Initially I thought it was some film, but soon all became apparent..........<br />I didn't imagine it could get any worse, then the other plane flew into the Pentagon, and the towers fell. Later hearing of a plane flying into the ground I watched stunned as events unfolded.<br />Ross


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 30, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I was watching the local news about 6:55 am when it was reported that a plane had flown into one of the towers. The Today show came on and as they were talking and showing footage, the second plane hit and my wife and I could not believe what was going on! <br />I drove to school to face my students praying all the way...


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 18, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I had just got off work, turned on the TV Fox news, as I do every morn, went to wake my daughter up for school, glanced up at the TV and saw one of the buildings on fire, called in to my daughter and told her to come look at the fire on the TV. She got up and we both sat in amazement(sp) at what was takeing place. I can remember it as if it happened yesterday, and will allways remember it as long as I live. To see it live as it happened, and thinking, the impact it will have on each and everyone of our lives.

Capt. Bob

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 14, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I heard it on the radio after the first building was hit. I then turned on a tv and watched the events unfold.<br /><br />My son was in New York working at the time and when he and the other people in his office heard the news they went to the roof of their building in North Manhatten to see the fire then watched the second plane hit the second tower and the buildings eventually crumble. He called me via cell phone after the buildings fell...in horror. Reality was just too close. He had to walk home because everything was shut down. He witnessed a lot of sadness, disbelief and confusion first hand.<br />He left New York a month later and returned to Atlanta because of the trama.


Sep 8, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

Yes Sir I sure remember. I was heading out to pick up a little homeless guy who we put to work a few days a week doing odd jobs. He listens to A.M. radio on a walkman I bought him. I was listening to Howard Stern on my truck radio when I heard Stern tell of this tragedy. Knowing Stern, I ignored it,thinking it was a spoof. As our little homeless guy got in the truck the second plane hit. Our homeless guy(listening to an A.M. station) began to cry, and Stern was as serious as I have ever recalled.<br /><br />We got little handywork done that day. We bought an extra T.V. for the office, and just watched. I later received a call that my mother had died. On September 15th, we buried her, and while waiting for the clergyman I spoke to the funeral mourners briefly and concluded my comments with "It's been one **** of a week". The clergyman arrived but few additional words were spoken.<br />So thats where I was when the world stopped turning.


Jan 22, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I was at my desk when I got email from a guy on my workteam, although over on the other side of the state. I of course thought he was b.s.'ing again. Then I got same info from 2 other team members in FL.<br />I went into the conference room where a small tv was on, and I watched live footage of a report on the 1st tower hit, and saw in the background as the 2nd plane hit.<br />Nearly everyone in our office had tears in their eyes that morning.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 4, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I was in a hotel in Brisbane, on the 3rd day of a 4 week holiday, in Australia and just entered the restaurant for breakfast, when the TV showed a plane hitting the Tower.<br /><br />At first thought is was some movie but suddenly got close to the set and heard the reporter telling the unbelievable truth.<br /><br />The Aussies were very emotional about it and we heard a lot about from all sources during the roundtrip over the following weeks.<br /><br />The return flight was routed away from Afghanistan as all expected some kind of attack on them but did not know when..<br /><br />The general attitude among the Australians was 'hope Afghanistan and all their like will be swept off this planet'. At first all blame was on Islam, later the Al-Queda and named terrorists.


Jul 15, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

Last year, I was driving to work (on my birthday, 9-11-79) Was a great sunny day in st. louis. I heard on the radio what was going on. I called my boss at the warehouse to turn on the tv (that we had just gotten the day before) We watched the entire day, just stunned. I got to work about 5 min before the 2nd plane hit.<br /><br />On a normal day, we get about 30 phone calls and just as many emails, ..that day, we heard from no-0ne. A truck driver showed up to make a delivery at the same time I showed up. He sat there and watched with us for hours before we ever got to unloading the truck.<br /><br />When people find out my bday is 9/11, I often get the response, "I'm sorry" For what? I will never forget.<br /><br />This morning, driving to work, there was a local fireman standing on the overpass. Just standing there waving a HUGE flag. I wanted to just get out and stand with him.


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I was sitting at my desk with no TV or radio.<br />ended up hearing it from a bus. associate in<br />Denmark of all places. finally went and turned<br />on the TV, sat there in horror all day, stunned.<br />the plane in PA was not all that far from me.<br />those guys are my biggest heros in all this<br />by the way, not without a fight I say! who knows<br />how many lives they saved.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 16, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I was working and one of the guys on he floor with was listening to Stern and told me about the first plane. As was said earlier I didn't believe Stern, as he is known for pranks. One of our customers pulled in at that time and told me it was true. We spent the rest of our day listening to the events unfold on National Public Radio. My work is in the shadows on GM's headquarters so when they evacuated we were sent home. <br />The one thing that really gets me thinking is how every person I've talked to said they listened from the first report they heard all through the day. It is amazing the way everyone put their lives, and differences aside to sit and think of those people being directly effected by this tradgedy. To me that was a positive sign for all humanity.


Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I was on my way to the airport. I just decided to keep on driving to my destination.<br /><br />When I got to where I was going, I couldn't believe how such a vibrant city could become a ghost town in one day.