I made a recommendation in one of your other posts about the stator. I hope you measured the length of the wire you took off and noted the direction of the wire wound onto the core.
Please keep your posts together in one thread. It gets confusing and you won't get answers you're looking for.
Do you have bare wire for the replacement?
Yes sir. Both 20 gauge. I was just curious because the old stator has an insulation jacket of plastic, and most of it is burnt all the way through. Are you saying that I should just wrap the bare metal with the magnet wire?That isn't bare wire. It has an insulating coating on it. You shouldn't need any more insulation. Three things - Same number of wraps on each core, Same direction on the wraps (from your pic in the earlier post it appeared that adjacent cores were wrapped in the opposite direction) and finally the same length.
One other thing. The new wire and old wire are the same gauge, right?
I am willing to sell it.I found what I think is the stator but it has some fixable damage, check out the dimensions
View attachment 137995
I am willing to sell it.
I was slightly confused about the insulation. Your armature/core insulators are melted. One wrap of good electrical tape will do it. You want a cushion between the wire and core. If you wrap tightly vibration won't be a problem. If it doesn't work out, call merc850.
3 M makes a high temp glass wolven tape with a good adhesive on it for this kind of thing. Plastic electrical tape will Fail in this application. If you just jump from pond to pond I guess it is OK but I wouldn't risk it and I love to save money. If you are on big water it could cost you $100 just to get towed in, the saftey of my friends and family is more important!!