What to look for - transom UPDATED


May 8, 2006
***** UPDATED ******
Went to see the boat today. 22' Starcraft American EX. It's a fg boat not aluminum. Only problem area I can see is where the VP outdrive unit bolts to the transom. Must leak as there is fair amount of sealant around it. No nicks or scratches anywhere else on the hull which suprised me. Inside is a little weathered. It's a Volvo Penta 6 cyl engine I/O. Guy's asking 1500. CDN$. Can't tell if motor turns or not but I'm assured that it works fine. Comments? Anyone?


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: What to look for - transom

Re: What to look for - transom

Is it an aluminum boat? If so, I can imagine he was able to visually confirm the wood is damaged from inside the boat. It is easy to replace the transom wood in an aluminum boat, I wouldn't let it disuade me from purchasing it. I would use it as a bargaining point though. A more serious thing to look for if it is aluminum is corrosion, especially if it has been a salt water boat. Good luck...


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2006
Re: What to look for - transom

Re: What to look for - transom

If the owner is telling you that the transom is shot, unless he just has a compulsion to undersell things, you should assume that the entire transom needs replaced.

Look for cracks in the inside fiberglass, brown rot juice coming out from any thru hulls (transducers, pitot assemblies, stern eyes, plug hole)

Make sure you inspect the floor as well. Look for any squishy spots especially around seat pedestals and the "dog box". If the transom is shot, then it is likely that the floor and the stringers are shot as well.

If you are planning to replace the transom yourself, then look to spend $500-$1000 depending on which materials you choose, and look to spend $2000-3500 if you have a professional do it. Keep that in mind as you begin negotiations.


Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2001
Re: What to look for - transom

Re: What to look for - transom

Pretty sure at 24-feet it is aluminum, in which case, the only things wood will be the floor, transom and cockpit trim panels. Stringers are aluminum. Starcraft was not big on sealing or treating their transoms, so they could and would rot over time. Will require removing the engine and outdrive to do it properly. Take notes. Take pictures. Get a shop manual for your outdrive/engine package. Have fun!
- Scott


May 8, 2006
Re: What to look for - transom UPDATES

Re: What to look for - transom UPDATES

Went to see the boat today. 22' Starcraft American EX. It's a fg boat not aluminum. Only problem area I can see is where the VP outdrive unit bolts to the transom. Must leak as there is fair amount of sealant around it. No nicks or scratches anywhere else on the hull which suprised me. Inside is a little weathered. It's a Volvo Penta 6 cyl engine I/O. Guy's asking 1500. CDN$. Can't tell if motor turns or not but I'm assured that it works fine. Comments? Anyone?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: What to look for - transom UPDATED

to fix it correctly, means pulling the complete outdrive and engine, replacing the transom from the inside. are you up to it?


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: What to look for - transom UPDATED

1500 is 1500 !! I would want more than a verbal assurance that the outdrive and engine work. This gives you an avenue to "part out those parts" if things go bad.

What year is this beast? Be very cautious.... anything can be fixed but, it is better to concentrate on either the hull or the power..... your's might be both.