What the Democratic Party is Good For


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: What the Democratic Party is Good For

Originally posted by KenImpZoom:<br /> Actually both parties are pathetic, its just a question of the lesser of two evils.<br /><br />We need a third party lead by someone who isnt an egotistical millionaire.<br /><br />Problem is, the sheeple wont listen to anyone but the people who are rich enough to afford the publicity.<br /><br />Ken
I mostly agree, but think the 'egotistical millionare' principle is only part of it. I think a bigger issue is that the sheeple aren't interested (or even aware) of the key leadership characteristics that would define the type of people best suited to lead our government.<br /><br />And the type of people best suited to lead our Government aren't interested in politics because the political parties, comprised of "professional politicians", have a lock/ monopoly (duopoly?) as far as getting candidates elected (outside of the occasional egotistical millionare, lol).<br /><br />Veneer matters more than actual capabilities. They want someone likeable, good looking (with the appropriate amount of gravitas, of course), who can smoothly deliver the party message of choice.<br /><br />Does anyone actually believe that someone like Abe Lincoln could be elected in these times?

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: What the Democratic Party is Good For

sometimes i'm a federalist .. most days i'm a whig..


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 13, 2004
Re: What the Democratic Party is Good For

Do you honestly think much has changed in Politics (and all that it includes), it has been around since the beginning of the country. It is just that news is flashed in an instant, rather than days or weeks when the country began.<br /><br />If you can believe what the history books say, or what the history channel shows, partism politics havn't changed much except for the electronic media that spreads it around much faster, plus the fact that the 24 hour news channels need to fill time and make $$.<br /><br />Thank god we have the freedom to disagree and have gridlock in DC. Also thank heaven that there are repubs and dems, life would sure be boring.<br /><br />I just have noticed that there is this get rid of Bush at any cost, which I don't understand. He is gone in a couple years and can't run anymore. The country has survived all the different past personalities, and we will survive GWB, we survived Clinton #1, and maybe have to be around for Clinton #2.<br /><br />It is kinda like rivals in football, one side is up for a while, and then it changes, and I love it.<br /><br />I don't think there will be a viable third party.<br /><br />The only thing I really wish is that my taxes would go down a little bit more, man its killing me.<br /><br />Spud


Mar 7, 2002
Re: What the Democratic Party is Good For

Each party serves a very valuable function: to monitor and "keep honest" the other party.
:D :D <br />They fail that function best of all.


Aug 8, 2003
Re: What the Democratic Party is Good For

Maybe we've been fooled into thinking it's political when it's really about law...and it's law being made---of the lawyers, by the lawyers, and for the lawyers. Maybe the lawyers are using politics as a smokescreen to keep the electorate from seeing what's really going on...and while they sew up the country and its future for their own benefit. Maybe it has all changed, at some point, from the way it was when the Constitution was in force.<br /><br />Does anyone understand why the Constitution is not in force? Short answer: the lawyers have found a way around it...it required fooling the people into believing something that was not quite on the level.<br /><br />I won't go an inch further. You'll have to find out for yourselves.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: What the Democratic Party is Good For

Originally posted by spudbartlett:<br /> Do you honestly think much has changed in Politics (and all that it includes), it has been around since the beginning of the country. It is just that news is flashed in an instant, rather than days or weeks when the country began.<br /><br />If you can believe what the history books say, or what the history channel shows, partism politics havn't changed much except for the electronic media that spreads it around much faster, plus the fact that the 24 hour news channels need to fill time and make $$.........<br />Spud
If you really mean 'has politics changed since the times our country was formed', then my feeling is yes, it has. Maybe not w.r.t. partisianship, but certainly w.r.t. politicians. Today, with rare exceptions (Kens egotistical billionaires) only professional politicians advance. Way back when there were no professional politicians in the manner we have today, and we drew from a pool of the best people in the land, not just the best politicians. <br /><br />Look at our constitution; the framers must have been brilliant. Do you honestly think that todays POLITICIANS could come close to setting up a system anywhere near as effective as that created by our founding fathers? Color me cynical, but I don't....


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: What the Democratic Party is Good For

Never mind.. I read the post wrong..<br />"What is the Demoncrate Party good for?"<br />My answer would have been Nothing :D