...Here is what I would like to be able to do with a new phone. Of course make calls, occasional text, music and even GPS abilities when on the road and boating. Search the web for parts from my shop, and things like that. So does that make any difference with suggestions?
Okay, I'll "chime" in here. :lol:
I bought my smart phone in February 2015. I'm now in the market for a replacement. I have a Nokia 635 Windows phone and I recommend
against purchasing any Windows based phone. Compared to Apple and Android, there are far fewer apps available. I can't find a non-road based GPS app for it at all. The onboard HereDrivePlus GPS road app is outstanding though!
And there are more issues, like timers that alarm at the wrong time. And the phone loses the correct time sometimes and lately has stopped sounding any alerts at all. That includes text messages, timer, calendar and others. I've had to reboot it after discovering such errors and it sometimes
still won't correct itself!
All that being said, I'm far happier with my smart phone than I ever was with my old flip phone. The capabilities of having a personal computer in my pocket just blows away the basic communication function of a flip phone. Shortly after getting the phone I was sitting on a riverbank, listening to music on the phone and fishing and realized that sitting on a stump sucked. So I got online and placed an order for fishing chairs. And some fishing lures. And started cruising craigslist looking for boats! All while texting with my family/friends and taking photos and sending them pix of where we were and what we were catching.
A smart phone is a Command & Control Center in your pocket.
My next phone must have a flash for the camera and a "selfie" cam as well. My Nokia doesn't have a selfie cam. I don't care about selfies myself but my wife loves 'em. :lol: