What new vehicle will Algore choose now....


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: What new vehicle will Algore choose now....

And exactly how is it that the government mandating the car you drive, where you set your thermostat, prohibition on air conditioning, the light bulb you use, the boat you fish from, the private jet you use to make speaking engagements, correspond to the concept of freedom on which this country was founded?

I am thrilled you have committed yourself to the tenents of energy independence. I am honestly impressed. But how you live your life is not a model or a mandate on the rest of us. Our lives are unique and diverse and not condusive to a one size fits all, Al Gore/UN (or WillyBWright) world model for how to live our lives. People are not stupid, they will invariably act in their own best interest, and almost always push against those who push against them. Unfortunately, the leftists who are dropping this world energy policy/guilt trip/class warfare/hollier than thao/killing our children BS on us don't understand that their opinions mean nothing more than ours. Their science is far from compelling. And dispite claims/lies of a unified belief within the scientific community, there isn't.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: What new vehicle will Algore choose now....

WillyBWright said:
Global cooling from particles in the air preventing IR radiation from reaching the surface is different from the gasses asscoiated with trapping reflected heat. Different pollutants, different results. You could say that by cleaning the particles from the air to prevent global cooling, we've opened the door wider for global warming by ignoring other considerations.

What am I doing? My current car gets 37mpg. My former minivan got 20ish. I keep it in tune and tires inflated to their max 35psi. I have an automatic thermostat set at 60 at night and 66 during waking hours. I simply dress accordingly. It also turns back down while I'm at work (when I'm not layed off). All unoccupied rooms have the vents shut off plus my own bedroom. I only heat what I must. I have fluorescent bulbs in almost all of my most frequently used lights. I have a solar battery charger to maintain the battery in my gas-thirsty towing vehicle which is only used for towing and hauling. I insulated my pipes and replaced my furnace with a much more efficient model. I use storm windows in the winter to help keep heat in and screens in the summer to let the heat out. I do not use air conditioning, although that's not so significant in Wisconsin where it might be necessary 10 days out of the year, especially in a house with a basement that gathers cool night air to circulate upstairs with the furnace fan during the day.

Supporting steps to correct global warming does not imply that all supporters become Energy Monks swearing an oath of Fossil Fuel Celibacy. When alternatives are available and I am able to afford a vehicle that can use it, count on it being done. For now I'm stuck with what's offered. It would be nice to be able to bike to work, but that's 34 miles each way. I'm sure my boss would prefer that I save my energy to do my job. ;)

[colour=blue]Willy, Very good answer. Now: let's ponder some things. #1 North America has greatly reduced particles et al, (n' most water and other polution as well). Western Europe n' Japan have followed suit. Ever been to China Willy? Mexico City? India? The expanding developing world has far worse pollution (particles et al) then Los Angeles ever had! If we were just talking about the USA your point would be valid, but globally: the particulate pollution is much worse. #2 You have taken the reasonable steps that I have also taken, (my SUV that I tow fairly light boats with is a v6 not an v8 or v10), I still run old black 2 stroke motors that I keep in good tune, (as I do all my stuff), maybe not as good as you could do but I'm not an ace mechanic like you are, (just a back yard hick p/t mechanic). #3 As others have stated: Mr. Gore negotiated a treaty, (Kyoto Protocol) where we would pay the heavy price economically and the worst polluters, (who also gave lots of illegal campaign $ to ol' Algore), are free to keep polluting. More extreme Libs then Mr. Gore want to actually eliminate lots of human habitation. That's the problem Willy! Now and finally: the earth does appear to be warming as it has in the past from time to time, (as Mars also appears to be warming: Hmmmmmmm). Does all the activity of mankind put together exert as much on the temperature of mother earth as the sun does? Don't ace mechanics eliminate varables, (starting with the biggest most influential ones), to troubleshoot potential problems: Willy? Critical thinkin' question for ya: Willy. Should we shut, (or significantly slow) down our, (USA's), economy just in case mankinds' effect on this trend is pushing it more before we even know what the trend is caused by, even though the pollution by China and India is far greater then any savings we can bring to the table? Now ya know why I think Algore is nuts! Respectfully, JR [/colour]

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: What new vehicle will Algore choose now....

Murky, that is one finely tuned brain cell ya got there....;):)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: What new vehicle will Algore choose now....

Why Thank you Bro Haut. Ol' Willy, (who is also a very sharp poster, n' like you says things that are kinda tricky jus ta see if the rest of us are payin' attention). You, he and others like Tree n' Rolmops n' PW2 n' BB keeps the ol' brain cell strainin' n' ponderin', (n' thereby: in 'tune'), ta try ta provide alternative Cornservative possibilities to 'splain his and or others who put forth plausable Left leanin' spin or perspectives so the group gets a real clear picture of both the issues and possibilities to stimulate CRITICAL THINKIN'. Ol' Murky has lot's o' faith in all his brother n' sister Americans from Left n' Right, Black n' White, Rich n' Poor, Gay n' Straight if they have the facts n' historical perspectives that could lead to a better future for us all. It may sound a li'l like Poly Anna's approach: but I believe it works! Thanks again for the compliment. JR


Apr 27, 2004
Re: What new vehicle will Algore choose now....

NASA Finds Sun-Climate Connection in Old Nile Records
The researchers found some clear links between the sun's activity and climate variations. The Nile water levels and aurora records had two somewhat regularly occurring variations in common - one with a period of about 88 years and the second with a period of about 200 years.

The researchers said the findings have climate implications that extend far beyond the Nile River basin. "Our results characterize not just a small region of the upper Nile, but a much more extended part of Africa," said Ruzmaikin. "The Nile River provides drainage for approximately 10 percent of the African continent. Its two main sources - Lake Tana in Ethiopia and Lake Victoria in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya - are in equatorial Africa. Since Africa's climate is interrelated to climate variability in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, these findings help us better understand climate change on a global basis."
Uh, hey Al, about that sun thingy.:devil:

I know, the ancient Egyptians & NASA are in the pay of the EVIL oil industry.8)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: What new vehicle will Algore choose now....

Naw bekosh, the Egyptians probably just hid that knowledge so they could keep their fellow citizens from driving horse drawn chariots. Horses pass methane too, don't they?8)


Dec 8, 2006
Re: What new vehicle will Algore choose now....

17 % of the scientists agree that the warming is caused by man; 17% is a small number.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: What new vehicle will Algore choose now....

Coors said:
17 % of the scientists agree that the warming is caused by man; 17% is a small number.

....and near 100% of American liberals, and all the grade school children they can indoctrinate, have consumed the Kool-Aid proferred by Algore and those 17%. It has to be that way. American white males are evil and greedy, they must be made to give up their conspicuous lifestyle. In other words they need to be punished so that all those that feel that way can end their days in Valhalla.