What kind of line?


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2006
I have a 6'6" M action spinning rod spinning rod and a 6'6" MH baitcasting rod. The baitcaster is gonna be my primary bass rod an the spinner mainly to use around docks. What kind of line am I gonna wanta use on each.

BTW on a completely different but related subject, is it okay to puut Fluoro on a spinning outfit? I have heard that it is bad from some people and that it does not matter from others.


Jul 10, 2005
Re: What kind of line?

Bass boy, drop down to the Fluoro thread and ask lot of good info. If you want to use fluoro.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2006
Re: What kind of line?

Bass boy, drop down to the Fluoro thread and ask lot of good info. If you want to use fluoro.
I am not quite sure what I want to use. I am in the middle of the transition from the nightcrawlers to the full fledged bass fishing. Now that I have the boat I am looking to start updating the rest of my equipment and fishing styles. At this point I know almost nothing about fishing line.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 22, 2005
Re: What kind of line?

I put some 14 lb Berkley Transition on a spinning reel this year and I got a lot of tangles. The heavier fluorocarbon was easier to handle on my baitcaster. It seems like I always have to cut a tangle or two off my spinning rod over the course of a day. But the lighter weight fluorocarbon seems easier to deal with than the heavier stuff. I think the fluorocarbon line is generally stiffer and has more memory than mono. Those characteristics make it a trickier to use with the spinning gear.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 22, 2005
Re: What kind of line?

If you have one spinning rig with two spools, I would spool one with 8 or 10 lb fluoro, and the other with 12 or 14 lb mono. Most of the fish in the lakes around me are 1 to 3 lbs; around here I would opt for the 8 and 12 respectively. If the fish in your area run larger then the 10 and the 14 might be in order.

With jus one spool the baitcaster is a tough call because you’re probably going to be fishing a bunch of different techniques on it. I'd say 30 lb braid.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2006
Re: What kind of line?

Is there really a need for different colors or is that all to catch the fisherman?


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2006
Re: What kind of line?

I am stumped on Brands as well. I can get Fluoro brand from the below post but need help w/ braid. I read in a post in the back of this forum that P-line is the best. Then I started reading reveiws on BPS, and many said that spiderwire is best. Then I read reviews on spiderwire and they didn't like it and said use trilene if you are on a budget.

I am on a tight budget so I don't want to just try out different lines and buy a new one every week.

As for the mono, I usually use stren original 6# on my trout rod. I like it just fine but don't like the stren 17#. It kept coming untied. How good or bad is stren 12?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 22, 2005
Re: What kind of line?

For braid I use the Power Pro also. For mono I just bought three spools of Berkley Big Game. A bunch of the guys I fished with this year recommended it. It's got a little bit of a greenish tint to it.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2006
Re: What kind of line?

How important is color? Some people I know swear by it and others think it matters not.


Jul 10, 2005
Re: What kind of line?

You have to use different lines and make your own mind up about what works for your style of fishing. I use high visable lines if I am fishing jigs or worms so I can watch the line because alot of times you will not feel a bite but only see the line just give a flick and not feel a thing!


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2006
Re: What kind of line?

Problem is, I am on a tight budget so buying numerous spools of line just to test them is not easy.

I was on the power pro website and it said something about backng the spools w/ mono. what purpose does this serve.

I am not trying to sound tedious, but at this point I have limited fishing time and limited budget so experamenting w/ many things is not a plyable option.


Oct 8, 2003
Re: What kind of line?

Decent line used to be cheap, not so anymore. I don`t like to wast money either.

I use the yellow 40# Power pro so I can see it with about 5' of Floro leader. One reason for the backing is that the smaller diameter braids will cut into the spool of line if you pull hard on it. Also, there is no need to completly fill your spool with expensive line when you are only using about 20-40 yards when bass fishing. Also, when the braid fades you can turn it around and spool it back on. I fish a spool of power pro all summer where I change out my mono and floro several times.I use the 40# not necesarily for the srenth, but the diameter handles better. I just adjust the leader weight to what I`m fishing with and the water clarity.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2006
Re: What kind of line?

What is the best knot for joining two different types + size lines?


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: What kind of line?

Without backing braid will just spin on the spool unless you tape it down or something. I use the double uni to join braid to the mono backing. High-frequency user like lubedude might replace it annually but braid will last just about forever - and you can re-color it with a magic marker - you know only the last few feet need color anyway - not that I think color matters. I always just get lo-vis green just because it looks good. I have a couple reels with 50lb powerpro & the others have 12 or 14 lb mono. Couple reels with duplicate spools get one braid, one mono. Stren or trilene, which ever wallymart has in stock for the better price. Mono will get brittle, faster if exposed to sunlight. Sometimes just a couple or three months. I don't want to buy bulk cause I'm afraid it'll go bad before I use it. Before braid, I used 17lb mono - don't remember breaking off any fish on it.

other disadvantages of braid:
hard to cut - nail clippers won't always cut it sometimes even a sharp knife won't cut it.
It ties itself in knots pretty easily especially around your rod tip - you can't always shake it free like with mono.
zero stretch - sometimes you need your line to stretch a little. Shattered the pinion gear in a spinning reel once.
Slips out of most knots - palomar is the only knot I know that will hold it - except for the previously mention self-tied knots.
It will cut you! Wrap it around a screwdriver handle or something to pull it off a snag.
Can snap if subjected to sudden shock - try boating a 10lb striper without a net, before its tired out.

other advantages:
Sensitivity!! great for soft plastics especially unweighted like flukes & senkos.
Zero stretch = hookset!! Move the rod tip 3 feet - that bass is gonna move 3 feet.
Won't break - you'll never lose another snagged lure (except if you use a leader) But do be careful not to break a rod.
On a spinning reel, braid is more forgiving of slack and/or twist.
Abrasion resistance.

And do not, repeat, do not try to bite through it. A dentist (believe it or not) on my local fishing board posted a pic of a crown he broke just using his teeth to snug up a knot.

Far as economics are concerned, if you're buying the hi-dollar crankbaits, braid would be a good investment. Bottom line, if it was me starting out with two rods I'd go with 17lb mono on the baitcaster and 12 on the spinner. Maybe get 150 yards of 50 lb powerpro at some point, put half of it on the baitcaster and keep half for later. Or spool it up on the spinning rod if it has a spare spool. I mean, how often do you let out 75 yards of line?

Try different lines over time - I think differences in peoples' habits accounts for why some have good luck with one line vs another.

sorry, long post, didn't realize I was rambling on...remember, I'm no expert...


Jul 28, 2004
Re: What kind of line?

OK, you're 13 yrs old, limited fund so don't get into fancy stuff until you're tournament fishing because that when every little thing help. For now, who cares if you catch one or few fish less. You're just learning and fun fishing. Go to BPS and get some Ande Back Country line. This is what I use when I'm not fishing ultraclear high pressure water. This stuff is made for shallow inshore saltwater fishing, it almost invisible since saltwater flats are normally crystal clear. It's strong because saltwater fish have lots of teeth. It's very economical, you can gets a 1/4 lbs spool of 8 lbs test line (1575 yds) for spinning reel and 1/4 lbs spool of 12 lbs test line (1000 yds) for your baitcaster for 7 bucks each. Give that a try and if you don't like it, YOU CAN CALL ME A LIAR!


Oct 8, 2003
Re: What kind of line?

Gonefishie is right on, I`ve been thinking back when I started Bass fishing, I had nothing but fiberglas poles and mitchel 300 spinning reels. I caught a lot of Bass. Also, my first boat was a Seaswerel (SP) 15' trihull and I converted it to a Bass boat. I didn`t even have a trolling motor at first and my front seat was a swivel kichen chair. I`d paddle along, drop anchor fish awhile then pull the anchor and paddle a ways farther and do it all over again. If I had to do that now as spoiled as I am I would just stay home.

Ron G

Apr 28, 2005
Re: What kind of line?

alot of knowledge here...:love:
and rember the bait ,reel,line and so on companys are trying to hook fishermen not fish.start with the basics enjoy nature and it will all come in time.rome wasnt built in a day.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2006
Re: What kind of line?

Okay, I am gonna spool the baitcaster with some 17 or 20 fluoro. We have a spool of both just laying in the closet. One spool of the spinning reel is gonna be filled with some 14 mono which I got for renewing bassmaster magazine. The other is gonna have 6 on it for a while as it has fresh stuff on it and I have really liked it for finesse texas rigging. So I don't have to buy any as I have it all already.