What is this thing? Picture included


May 21, 2006
My motor is an '88 85HP Force.

I took the lower unit off to replace the impeller. Got everything back together and found this extra part in my parts can:


But what is it? Where does it go? Am I crazy!


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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 8, 2007
Re: What is this thing? Picture included

... hmm looks like what gets placed onto your impeller housing and then fits up on to the brass tube in the lower leg of the O/B. i think they are now a hard plastic that you tap into place with a rubber mallot... just a guess.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 28, 2008
Re: What is this thing? Picture included

I know the piece you are speaking of, I just had mine off yesterday. It was plastic so that is prob not what that is. What is on the head of that, screw slots?


Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: What is this thing? Picture included

OHMYGOD! That's the hingus that plugs into the doohickey and keeps the whatchamacallit from falling out. Without it the whole lower unit is going to go pbbbbbbth the first time you run it.

Seriously, I have never seen anything like that in any one-piece lower unit. Matter of fact, I have never seen that in any engine sub-assembly either.

Got Me Stumped!

If I were to guess, I would say that either someone had poked it into the exhaust snout at one time or it was an extra part lying in the can and you did not notice it before disassembly.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 16, 2006
Re: What is this thing? Picture included

OHMYGOD! That's the hingus that plugs into the doohickey and keeps the whatchamacallit from falling out. Without it the whole lower unit is going to go pbbbbbbth the first time you run it.

Seriously, I have never seen anything like that in any one-piece lower unit. Matter of fact, I have never seen that in any engine sub-assembly either.

Got Me Stumped!

If I were to guess, I would say that either someone had poked it into the exhaust snout at one time or it was an extra part lying in the can and you did not notice it before disassembly.

LMAO! the hingus


Sep 18, 2007
Re: What is this thing? Picture included

My little boy has left me scratching my head a time or two, he loves the workshop and will leave an extra screw or something for my project or worse put a small part in his pocket and walk away.
I've found it best to keep the digital camera handy that way I can identify what should be where if I come up with something that doesn't look right.


May 21, 2006
Re: What is this thing? Picture included


Thanks, I thought I was crazy, now it is confirmed! Must have been in the parts can before I started.

....now, I have to figure out why it won't shift into gear!! I was very careful to not move the shift arm while taking the lower unit off, but did accidently bump it. Shyst! So, there I am, vroom, vroom, running good, in the water... everyone on the bank is watching... now I'll just shift it gently into gear and zoom outta here with my new impeller... this is going to make everyone want me and my shiny fast blue/white sexy speed boat, the ladies are gonna think I'm a stud and the gents are gonna wish they were me... and I got nothing... moving the lever forward only revs the mighty 85 horseys purring under the cowl... F!!! ...and I'm rowing... up stream. F!!! ...there's just no way to recover from that, small children were crying, the ladies shook their heads and turned away while the gents jeered, "I told you so."

I'm sure this is a rookie mistake... I'm off to search the forum for an answer... unless one of you seasoned pros can get me back stud status.


May 21, 2006
Re: What is this thing? Picture included: UPDATED!

Re: What is this thing? Picture included: UPDATED!


As I'm typing the last post I get to thinking to myself, "did I ever push the control lever back into the inserted position, were it will control the lower unit not just the engine throttle?" So, back at the house now, I put the muffs on and... you guessed it. It shifts just fine, if you put the control lever in the shift position. Son of a gun. I promise the world I will never mate again... I would not want to pass my gene along.

I am completely humiliated. I paddled a perfectly working boat up stream for about 50 yards, cursing the whole time b/c it won't shift into gear.

My intellect is dull, at best. I humbly submit my resignation as backyard mechanic.

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: What is this thing? Picture included

You were right--very funny! But we all have had our moments.

Last month I was rebuilding an Evinrude. I took one of the stator bolts and put it in the wrong place. Realizing it, I removed it and placed it (I thought) inside the boat. Wouldn't you know it---it fell into a black hole and disappeared. I never did find it.

Now, I am a stickler for everything being in it proper place and all bolts being the same--a little bit anal. In fact, the character "Monk" is my hero.

Finally after searching for several hours, disgusted and not wanting to use a plain 1/4 inch bolt of which I have hundreds, I went to the Marina and bought another cadmium plated Evinrude bolt for 4 bucks and change. Pricey for a simple hardened 1/4 inch bolt and I had to wait three days, but at least all four bolts are the same. Now my mind is at ease.

And now that I have delivered the boat and engine, the original bolt will show up from the safe place where I put it.