Re: what is this crap charge from my mechanic/storage...
Shawn, it looks like you got a consensious of opinions on WHAT should have been done!! You should have left the items IN the boat,you Should have told them you removed the items, you should have ASKED if that presented any concerns, they should have ASKED you if the items were IN the boat, they should have told you of additional charges for the items not BEING in the boat, they should have called you. They are as "guilty" as you!!!!!!Don't take this TOO personally! BUT both of you are to blame for this senario!! Now, when you DO go and talk to them, I bet they will be willing to modify the $75 bill (as long as no one gets into a real pis*$ing match over machismo and ego). And you know what? I bet they will remember you in the future and you will TELL 'em about the lack of batteries and keys and THEY will "mention" the additional charges, $75 or otherwise!!! <br />Now, if you remember my orginal post, I mention'd that I wasn't willing to argue with everyone who presents me with this problem, AND it happens more often than not. Yes, I try to call customers , but SOMETIMES, (I don't know why) they aren't home durring the day). Now, what amount do you think that a marina SHOULD charge for hot-wiring your ignition?? Remember, some are ezier than others and more or less accessible on one boat than another???? In my part of the country, we are trying to beat the freezing weather. For some reason, people who have not boated since Labor Day feel they should wait till the night of the first -28 degree cold front to show up at my door!. When I get twenty boats at once, it's MY rsponsibilty to drop what I'm doing and go and drain THOSE boats so they won't freeze up ,"On my watch"!. Now tell me, do I charge them for this service?? I'm saving them thousands of dollars due to their "lateness" BUT do I charge them?? How much?? Yes, I should tell them how much? But do I make them pay? What's the dollar figure? OR, do I do as some may and JUST slide the charges into the regular bill as some may do??? <br />The answer is I don't charge! I should but I don't!!! And I don't hide the charges into the bill somewhere else!!! For some reason, too many people believe that "we" are just crooks and are only out to take your money. You want crap?? That's crap!!!!I spend my day just trying to get the customers taken care of, boats done, go home and mow that d*#m grass and take the kids where-ever the hell they need to go to today!!!And tomorrow, I go through the same thing again, JUST like you!!! <br />Most "problems" are just solutions waiting to happen!! Hope you find a "middle ground"!!!!