What is an "Ideabook"


Rear Admiral
Jun 26, 2012

I realize the folks in charge around here have a ton to do so maybe a member familiar with this software from other sites could inform me without taking away time from the mods and whatnot.

Well, I was trying to figure out a new page for the browser to land on. I clicked on the "Your iBoats" tab thinking it may be like a homepage.

What is an Ideabook? Is this something other people see, ? or is it where I spitball my next thread, ? or is it where I might post my upcoming builds?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011

I realize the folks in charge around here have a ton to do so maybe a member familiar with this software from other sites could inform me without taking away time from the mods and whatnot.

Well, I was trying to figure out a new page for the browser to land on. I clicked on the "Your iBoats" tab thinking it may be like a homepage.

What is an Ideabook? Is this something other people see, ? or is it where I spitball my next thread, ? or is it where I might post my upcoming builds?

Jake - No idea about Ideabooks. It's something unique to the iBoats store. On this side of the fence we haven't gotten a real idea what this book is supposed to be.

Here's what it says under your Idea Book;

[h=3]No Ideabooks[/h] jakedaawg has not created any ideabooks.

[h=3]Forum Media[/h] [h=3][/h] An ideabook is where you can store photos and videos of things that you’re interested in such as boats you like.
You can upload your own photos and videos or save other people’s photos and videos to your ideabook.
[h=3]Forum Media (Below)[/h] Alternatively, you can use the links below to add media to your forum pages only. We recommend you use ideabooks above.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
So it sounds like to post a in the forum, you'd store it in the forum media area. And apparently if you use the upload attachment icon at the top right of a post window, it saves the image in your forum media area of your profile. Saved the 2 pix there that I uploaded (and inserted into my post) over the last 2days.

As a reference for use around the store, sounds like you can create a storyboard of sorts w images of studf you'd like to buy/find/try or that you like.

Not yet sure where signature and avatar pix are saved on the server. Somewhere connected to your acct(s)


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
It appears the Ideabooks is the new Media tab from our old forum profile. All of my folders with pics have been uploaded into my Ideabook.