Been reading most of these threads on the updates, but not all yet and I haven't seen this login issue as of yet, so forgive me if it's already been brought up..
It is regarding log in, so figured I'd add to this thread with it...
I have a link in my favorites to the Johnson/Evinrude section. When I click it, it brings me to that section, but I'm logged out. (I expect that... For now, I have clear cookies on close in browser settings, so that's on me.. lol)
Anyway, after I log in, I'm brought to my "Feeds" page, not the Johnson/Evinrude page of my bookmark. I have to navigate again to the engine section..
Is this the way it's going to work from now on or is this something that can be fixed?
It'd be nice if in a subsection, and then I log in, it brings you back to the subsection you were on before login...
Of course, if on iBoats home page and then I login, then yeah... My Feeds is a great landing place! LOL