What do I have?


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 16, 2007
Re: What do I have?

The results are in...
Using an autoranging, digital multimeter I took the following readings.

Battery charged to 12.23 volts
Current at ignition coil 9.69 volts :confused:
Current across coil terminals Zilch :mad:
Current across terminals while ignition cranking Zilch :mad:

Resistance across coil terminals 2.4 ohms
Resistance from each terminal to where main wire connects 11.8 K ohms
Resistance from each terminal to end of wire that goes to distributor 24.1 K ohms

I held wire that connects coil to distributor to engine block while cranking. Saw no spark. Not sure if I should have but I thought I'd try it. Did not sand off points and contacts since it does not look like current is making it that far.

Any suggestions about how to proceed from here.?


Vice Admiral
Oct 19, 2003
Re: What do I have?

I know it's too soon to get discouraged but this is really not my bag. I didn't stay at a holiday inn express and I don't play a mechanic on TV.

No offense meant... but your boat is old and obsolete. It would make a fine project for someone who knows quite a bit about mechanical things. It sounds like you do not.

Again - no offense meant, but an old Ford OMC electric shift stringer drive is going to be a TON of money and headaches as you are eventually going to need to take it to a marine mechanic. Before you go much further, you might want to ask around local mechanics and see if any would even be willing to work on it for you. I bet you will find most, if not all, will refuse.

When you make statements like the ones below...

Cap and rotor are relatively new. Motor is 1977, rotor and cap 1996.

... you realize that makes the cap and rotor 12 years old - right? :confused: That is not "relatively new" in my book. Maybe compared to the boat....

How old is the gas? If it has been sitting there for 8 years... again - not going to work.

The points may LOOK good, but sitting unused is not good - sanding may bring them back, but have you ever sanded points? New ones are your best bet.

What about the impeller in the drive? Have you checked it? Again, the chances are good that it is shot.

The list is long. You need to do a lot of thinking on whether this project makes sense for you. Only you can answer that of course, but the fact that the boat is free doesn't mean it isn't going to cost you a LOT of money and headache. Just something to think about. ;)


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 16, 2007
Re: What do I have?

No offense taken. I know I have a relic on my hands and I am reluctant to put much money in it at all. I am willing to go as far as I need to get spark and fuel. If I can get the motor to run and I have problems beyond that, I'll probably call it quits. I do not give up easily and I was not offended by the previous post; rather, I was actually challenged. I like a challenge but I also like to make progress. I find the posts on this forum very helpful and I take them all into consideration. Even the ones that suggest I'm in over my head.

Dad brought the service manual over today. I trust that will be helpful in my efforts. He also told me the boat was last used 6 yrs ago. After its last use he had it winterized an put stabilizer in the fuel but I'm using a fresh tank until I get the motor to start. I'll empty the boats tank and use fresh gas if I can get the motor to run.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 16, 2007
Re: What do I have? A motor that runs! That's what!

Re: What do I have? A motor that runs! That's what!

Thank you, ChiefAlen! When I found that I had current going to the coil but no spark coming from the coil, I thought my problem was upstream until I got the manual and read how the opening and closing of the points instigates the spark. I sanded the points and then measured the gap w/ a feeler gauge. The specs call for a .017 gap and I had a .007 gap. I readjusted the gap and put the cap back on. I set the lead wire from the coil on the engine block and turned over the engine and saw spark. I plugged the lead wire into distributor and the engine fired up immediately. The fuel pump drew fuel from a fresh tank very easily. I have spark and I have fuel so I'm happy for now. It's too late to go further tonight but tomorrow I'll start to look at lower unit. Thanks again for all the posts and thanks to chiefalen for the sandpaper instructions!

p.s. windykid, After looking at a wiring schematic in my manual I discovered the third wire on my coil should be on the - side and it is for an optional tachometer that I do not have.