Re: what caused this motor to seize?
I have rebuilt many engines.I'm telling you,with respect,forget about it.its the older style 3 cylinder.The newer styls went to a different exhust system.Your block,including all exhust passages and mating SURFACES are badly corroded.That is evident by pictures.We usually would look very closly and determine the value of a rebuild (weather worth doin or not)after looking at blocks closley.By the time you BUY replacement rods,crank and pistons,berings ,your well beyond the resonable cost.Then you need to consider all machine work,that all done,with the corrosion I can see by pictures,you will have leakage problems again because much of the aluminium mating surfaces are badly corroded.With the $280 loss,if you were to buy a DECENT running 3 will bve ahead of the game,even if you decide to rebuild a RUNNINgG motor,your ahead,rods ,crank and berings are expensive ,as is machine work.A running end wouldnt need a new crank or rods,(usually).I would also think that with the corrosion I see, your lowerunit ,exhust adapter and trim and tilt(if have one) have issues as well.Those last bolts will come out if you heat the surrounding areas well and use a vise grip,move just a bit at a time ,also,look inside the cylinders ,between the round ports ,make sure there are NO cracks,it might be hard if rusted,if any cracks,you will need re-sleeve=$$$depending how deep any gouges ,or out of round cyl's are you may need to sleeve also,pay close attention to the alum cast around the cyl.sleeve where the head attaches,if the corrosion has weakened those ares,you may need welding,and machining so you have the alum around the cyl leaving just the steel will not work,