What can I build in this spot on my boat?


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 4, 2010
I have this big empty spot to the left of my engine. I would like to use this area on my boat for something. It is a big empty spot.



I am not sure what I could build back there.
I need coolor storage.
Extra Life Jacket storage.


I am not sure what I can and can't put back there. I am not sure what I could screw into, or fasten things to.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: What can I build in this spot on my boat?

Hi and welcome, Lavish,

First, let me say...I am impressed and amazed that you actually have extra space to store stuff...that's great news...

Secondly, I wouldn't go screwing or making holes where there aren't any already to begin with...you could be asking for trouble by letting water into places you don't want it...you can do it, but make sure they are all good and sealed up with 3M 5200...

That being said, it is hard to imagine what kind of stuff you would want to store in there...a cooloer is a good idea, but kinda hard to get to everytime you want a cold one...

The other problem is stuff that gets "stored", if it isn't used all the time, can become dead weight in a boat which adds up to lower performance, more fuel usage, and less load carrying capacity...

In other words, if you don't really need it all the time, why build anything permanent...keep the space flexible and unused most of the time, and when you need to take extra stuff with you, you'll have a place to put it...

Maybe concentrate on making the benches easier to gain access by hinging them, or something alon those lines...

Just my .02?...:D

Happy Boating!


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 4, 2010
Re: What can I build in this spot on my boat?

Thank you for the suggestions.

It is great that I do have the extra room. I am just worried what I can and can't store in my engine compartment.

Can I put a cooler back there safely? I see there are two "cleats" on the bottom. Could I build a box to sit in there to hold what ever I put back there from flying onto the engine?

Also. On each side of the top there are two "buckets" that are in fiberglass. One the battery sits in, the other I store my oil containers in. Could I remove the one on the left side. That way I could lift the top cover and have direct access to the compartment. Maybe a
"wall" that seperates that compartment from the engine.

Could I glue to things instead of screwing? Maybe fiberglass in something?

If I build a bin back there I could store un-used life jackets back there. I have 6 jackets, but usually on 2 people on the boat. But I like to make sure I have them if I pick up more people.

Ultimately I would love to just have a doghouse around the engine, and seats on both sides of it. I wanted to design and build it, but I am stuck on how I would fasten to the boat....

I am also striving for more deck space...maybe different seats? Here's what I am working with.



Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: What can I build in this spot on my boat?

Yes you could easily modify that area back there any number of ways...

I like your idea of seats+doghouse, with storage under the seats...that could give you a bit more deck space...you could build in a cooler with insulation, you could add additional storage for those extra life jackets, if you like to fish, you could add a live well, the possibilities are only limited by your imagination, needs, wants, and of course...budget...:rolleyes:

You can screw into the boat, it's just that is not the most secure way to do it, and it could cause water intrusion issues...

If you are not averse to doing some grinding and glassing, the best way to make any additions would be to fiberglass the new parts in and even provide a place to solidly screw or bolt in future additions...of course it is a little more involved than that, but with the knowledge base available here...anything is possible...:)

The best suggestion I could give you is to look around this forum, A LOT...read through some stuff, use the search feature to look for ideas...put in search terms like..."Doghouse", "New Seats", etc. etc...Look in the "Boat Discussion" threads...eventually you'll start to see what you want to do...There are literally tons and tons of ideas and info on stuff you could do back there...

Do some research, make a plan of what you want to do back there, ask a bunch of questions on how to do it, and we'll be here to help you out any way we can...

You can use free cardboard and tape or a hot glue gun and make up some really detailed mock-ups of what you would like back there, then turn that into reality, once you come up with a design...

Take a look at what one the guys restoring his boat is doing... http://forums.iboats.com/showthread.php?t=523969&page=2 ... look at posts #701 and #721...

Have fun coming up with a creative and useful addition to your boat...


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 30, 2007
Re: What can I build in this spot on my boat?

As GT said the sky is the limit it just depends on how involved you want to get.

If it were me I'd look at moving my batteries into that lower space and look at the more user friendly space that could be opened up under the sun pad.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 7, 2011
Re: What can I build in this spot on my boat?

What about something like this?




Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: What can I build in this spot on my boat?

I wouldn't build anything in that spot, I'd leave it just like it is for ease of access to the engine... that's what it's there for.


Apr 5, 2011
Re: What can I build in this spot on my boat?

Grandad did a perfect design for using his space.
I am going to copy his ideals for my boat.
Check out his thread for a excellent read.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: What can I build in this spot on my boat?

I agree with Decker that looks great pook house and storage . The motor compartment is clean and tidy !