What brand of 2 stroke oil do you use for your Johnson Evinrude 2 stroke


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 19, 2005
Makes sense. You're not saving much by cheaping out. There's something about the smell of 2 stroke smoke first thing in the morning.

What's the difference between regular Johnson Evinrude 2 stroke, XD30 , XD50, and XD100

I believe it's the percentage of synthetic in there?

I personally like a semi synthetic. Synthetic I have read drys out more like in storage, like on internals. I don't run my boat weekly so I would rather have the conventional at least base there to make sure there is a film on things for not what I would say storage but extended times on non use. In the past I have used the cheap Walmart two stroke marine oil. It served fine, it I have read is whatever the bottlers have left over, if could be Johnson, it could be Valvoline it could be Castrol or some blend of them all. Seems like a legit story or it's literally the same thing as some other house blend or big name stuff just in a bottle for Walmart. Warren oils bottles most of Walmarts lubes.

More recently I have burned the gallons of Pennzoil XLF I believe it's called to stay the semi synthetic trend and it's easy to get. I have also in the past got it in my own bottle at the dealership from their bulk drum at a discount from even like walmart's price and rean the cheaper I think x20 Evinrude oil. But the last few gallons I have bought have been from Cabela's when they have their sales and I have bought gallons of the semi synthetic Cabela's oil.

I am not a huge user of oil or big boater although I use mine regular in the season. I really notice little difference in smoking or the smell of the smoke. I too don't mind the smell of it.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
I have picked up numerous outboards for parts.-----Love it when the VRO tank is full of oil.-----Use whatever is in there for my small motors and 2 stroke Lawnboy.----Works great.-----These E-TEC oils are formulated to be pumped into the motor where needed.-----They want the oil to stick to the parts without being pulled through with dry air in the crankcases.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
I saw a test of 4 cycle oils. One of the tests was for evaporation of oil. The oils were heated to 300*F (If I remember correctly). The synthetic oils did not evaporate as much as the dino oil. Not sure how that applies to 2 cycle oil.


Supreme Mariner
May 24, 2004
Merc OptiMax Oil and BRP XD100 are not even TCW-3 rated. However they far Exceed that 30 yr old Spec, which fell short of what DI Engines required of Oils


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
Yes the 2+2 has oil injection.-----The oil is mixed with the gasoline on those.-----On an E-TEC the oil is NOT mixed with the gasoline.-----An E-TEC operates like a 4 stroke during the compression / ignition part of the cycle !


Supreme Mariner
May 24, 2004
Premixing as in a tank, as the oil was not formulated to mix or stay mixed with gas. In an Oil Mixing system on an Engine, it would not be much of a concern


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 19, 2005
I saw a test of 4 cycle oils. One of the tests was for evaporation of oil. The oils were heated to 300*F (If I remember correctly). The synthetic oils did not evaporate as much as the dino oil. Not sure how that applies to 2 cycle oil.
Project farm on YouTube has that video...it's for car oils like you said.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 19, 2005
I don't think that Project Farm Guy heats the Oils up to 300F
He heated it up, I don't know what the actual temperature was but it was on a hot plate in a coffee pot and he used the infrared thermometer on it. It's just been a few years since I watched the video I watched.


Vice Admiral
Nov 5, 2006
Yes the 2+2 has oil injection.-----The oil is mixed with the gasoline on those.-----On an E-TEC the oil is NOT mixed with the gasoline.-----An E-TEC operates like a 4 stroke during the compression / ignition part of the cycle !

early ETECS like my 75hp has a oil line to mix in with the fuel to protect the HS fuel pump and injectors. They remove the feature around 2007 or 2008 so some folks now add a bit of oil in the tank ...to bad BRP took out the feature.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 19, 2005
I'm going to get my drink and snack and settle in for one of the most hotly debated topics on any forum for anything with an engine. Nothing gets folks commenting and legitimately angry like a good oil debate!


Supreme Mariner
May 24, 2004
Doesn't get me Angry, I know which Oils are better for certain engines, and I have my preferences. Some people have the idea that all Oils are the same except for dye and Label, their minds are made up, and any facts just bore them.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 19, 2021
Here's an interesting discussion about Tribology .

Lake Speed Jr ( son of a Nascar race car driver ) goes into detail about the subject.

From my research in cars, molecular sheer is the single most important metric. When the combustion chamber fires, the piston is literally crushing the oil molecules. When the oil molecules get crushed hard enough, they explode. And the only thing left protecting the engine, is ZDDP level in the oil. In high performance engines, the higher the ZDDP level oil will win every time. How this applies to 2 stroke oils , ... I don't know ... yet.