Thank you so much! I could not figure out how to find an accurate search on YouTube about that tubing. After you told me it had to do with the speedometer I was able to find videos to help fix the problem. I would’ve been frustrated for hours if not days trying figure out how to search for the solution. You were a really big help and I really appreciate your reply to my post. Great forum and I will be coming back here often for any other boating issues.Welcome to iboats
That Hose sticking out of the Motor is the Pitot Tube Hose for Speedometer Water Pressure. The Hose zip tied to Trim Wiring Harness, likely the Hose going to the Speedometer Gauge
Don't put too much Faith in GPS, as it is measuring Ground Speed, and doesn't take a Current into consideration. Boating on a River, in one direction the GPS may read 45mph, and in the other 25mph, when the Current is 10mph.For some reason they fail rather quickly on outboards. Often clog up and fail to give an accurate read. Pressure gages are not accurate anyway and most boats have GPS speed on the fish finder/ depth gage unit which is far more accurate ! Mine has never worked correctly since I bought the motor.
Does anyone know the diameter of that tube. I saw a YouTube about a guy clearing out the tube and intake port and I think he said it was 3/16 tube. Nobody sells a 3/16 tube. All I can find was 1/4.Welcome to iboats
That Hose sticking out of the Motor is the Pitot Tube Hose for Speedometer Water Pressure. The Hose zip tied to Trim Wiring Harness, likely the Hose going to the Speedometer Gauge
look for Marine Pitot tube. its a kit that is like $10, with the transom pickup its about $20Does anyone know the diameter of that tube. I saw a YouTube about a guy clearing out the tube and intake port and I think he said it was 3/16 tube. Nobody sells a 3/16 tube. All I can find was 1/4.
That is correct, the time and distance over the surface, if your fighting against or flowing with a strong current your speed will change. It is still the time and distance your moving across a given area or surface. The pressure Speedo does the same thing when running with or against a current. Thus, when running speed checks, your told to take a reading in each direction and take the average. GPS is still the most accurate method of reading speed we have.Don't put too much Faith in GPS, as it is measuring Ground Speed, and doesn't take a Current into consideration. Boating on a River, in one direction the GPS may read 45mph, and in the other 25mph, when the Current is 10mph.
Pressure reading is far less accurate in any situation than a GPS ! Why do you think our military use GPS for everything !! Most accurate speed measurement in any scenerio !! Even submarines under water....The Pressure Speedo is measuring the Speed across the Water, doesn't matter if the Water is moving. GPS will measure the Speed across the Lake/River Bottom. I can see many people bragging how fast their Boats are, using a Distorted GPS Reading, cause of a Current.
Over the surface of the earth as it is supposed to do. Airplanes and submarines make calculations for being above or below the surface.Yeah , GPS measures SOG ( speed over ground )
Pilot speed is only critical to measure wind speed over the wings to keep them in the air. When calculating time and distance, arrival time etc it uses GPS. !!Just a matter of service.
All airplanes of all kinds take off, fly and land based on pitot tube air speed. More important to them than GPS speed.
Speed through the water is more important to some boaters than is GPS speed.
Many boats don't have a GPS. Pitot speed is all they have. If that.
The GPS reading is not distorted by current , it still measures SOG and water current will have no effect on its accuracy . You can of course take advantage of this current . By traveling with it you boat will cover ground faster than in still water and by traveling against the current the max ground speed will be lower even tho the water speed will remain the same in both instances .The Pressure Speedo is measuring the Speed across the Water, doesn't matter if the Water is moving. GPS will measure the Speed across the Lake/River Bottom. I can see many people bragging how fast their Boats are, using a Distorted GPS Reading, cause of a Current.
Yeah I remember towing my Uncle on the ski's and he'd be hollerin at us to "keep it at 28" . The Willie Hunt spent his whole time upright ( so not longA water Pressure Gauge will measure speed over the Water, which is better for Skiing on a River, than a GPS which which only measures the speed over the River Lake Bottom, and can't take current into account.