On Monday evening, our sons friend shows up at our house. From the looks of him, someone beat the crap out of him. Turns out he and his dad had an agrument and he hit his son in the back of the head and in the forehead. He had a couple of good knots on his head. He is 14. This was very disturbing to me and my wife. After about an hour we decided we needed to get the police involved as this is not the first time he has been to our house like this. The police show up, take pictures and then leave. The kid stays with us for 2 days, not hearinr anything form anybody. My wife calls CPS to see what the status of his case was, and she gets this response; take him home immediately, if you don't you could be cited for parental interference. We took him home. Let me ask this question. Is it right that the kid needs to be thrown back into a abusive situation? Nothing was done to the father. Do you all remember the lady that slapped her kid in the walmart parking lot and got thrown in jail. This guy can beat his kid, leave knots on his head and nothing happens to him. Our system has some serious flaws.