Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget?<br />Handheld GPS. <br /><br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? <br />Coconut Cream<br /><br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why?<br />KKC. He would holler, "Hey you all, watch this" Would be a blast to watch him slide down them buildings grabbing them flags as they go flying by and seeing his face as he gets faster and faster. :D <br /><br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?<br />Do you really think John Kerry is a U.N. *****?<br /><br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people?<br />You have got to be kidding, right? :) <br /><br />6. What is your favorite dance?<br />Any slow dance where I can hold my sweetie real close to me. :cool: <br /><br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why?<br />Bass. 'nuff said.<br /><br />8. Do you play the lotto?<br />Yep<br /><br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said?<br />Hey you all, watch this.<br /><br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters?<br />No comment on this one. Not touching this one. You don't really want to know. Has to do with some getting lost at sea. ;)


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

Originally posted by Chief 101:<br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters? I'm not into movies...real life is just too exciting, sbn could be Gilligan...
Thanks Chief, as long as I get Mary Ann, I don't care what you call me. :D


Oct 24, 2003
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? anything wireless...gps, cellphones, vhf radios<br /><br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? key lime<br /><br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why? wouldnt care<br /><br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be? "hows your dads new boat?"<br /><br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people? ABSOLUTELY<br /><br />6. What is your favorite dance? i dont<br /><br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why? anything i can eat<br /><br />8. Do you play the lotto? NO<br /><br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said? PROBABLY THIS<br /><br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters? I REALLY MUST BE BORED


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? Dremal tool<br /><br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? Whatever is coming out of the oven<br /><br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why? The newest member and tell them we have all been throught it as part of the ranking system! <br /><br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be? Just one? How about one with 3 parts? Why haven't we declared victory, pulled out our troops, and why not re-establish our nuclear testing in Iraq!?<br /><br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people? Nope - did it for years in the military.<br /><br />6. What is your favorite dance? The one with my significant other.<br /><br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why? Any fish that is taking my hook because he took the bait.<br /><br />8. Do you play the lotto? No. I passed math!<br /><br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said? Rather not relive that butt chewing but it was in the Whitehouse (1978) for a comment I made. My butt still has the scars!<br /><br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters. The worlds largest flotilla of boats (all sizes all types) tethered together for a continent to continent connection just to demonstrate teamwork. We would all be the main characters.<br /><br />Bob

brother chris

Jul 28, 2002
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? <br />tongs<br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie?<br />pumpkin<br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why?<br />Me cause I would win. I have no fear, only the fear of God<br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?<br />I'm in Canada....Prime Minister.....how can a Government employee get charged with something and be convicted of it and still have a job with the government?<br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people?<br />Depends on what the topic is....mostly yes<br />6. What is your favorite dance?<br />salsa<br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why?<br />rainbow trout....they taste sooo good!<br />8. Do you play the lotto?<br />yes, weekly. You can't expect money to fall in your lap.<br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said?<br />Every swear word and everything I have ever said bad about a person. I have no right to do that.<br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters?<br />The plot is something like "lost at sea" but there is a happy ending.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? My new LCX-104C that I've yet to hook up ... I feel like a little kid!<br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? My Grandma Ruby's Chocolate pie or Shoo-fly pie<br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why? Any one of you that has done a build or restoration .... NO FEAR!<br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be? Any Quail on your ranch?<br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people? Nope - thanks Dad! <br />6. What is your favorite dance? Anything my mother and father are dancing -totally smooth-<br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why? Tough call between post-spawn Walleyes (totally intense finesse) and casting top water for Musky and Northern ('cause once your grandfather reaches for his pistol and you've reached for the charmin you know you've got something!). <br />8. Do you play the lotto? nope .. better off throwin the $$ into the boats if I'm feelin' lucky.<br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said? "Where's the katsup?" - while a big red bottle that says 'HEINZ' is starrin' right at me.(sad thing is .. its happened more than once) <br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters? Not entirely sure on this one ... not feelin' to creative at the moment - been chewin on a few situations my new project boad has handed me.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? Beer cooler<br /><br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? Wild Blackberry<br /><br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why?<br />Never watch it--<br /><br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?<br /><br />Can I have fries with that?<br /><br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people?<br /><br />No<br /><br />6. What is your favorite dance?<br /><br />Watching conservatives spin--they do it better than Michelle Qwan (sp?)<br /><br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why?<br /><br />Steelhead- fishing a small stream and chasing them (hopefully up) the river bank.<br /><br />8. Do you play the lotto?<br /><br />No<br /><br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said?<br /><br />Will you marry me?<br /><br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters?<br /><br />Pass


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?<br /><br />Can I have fries with that?
PW2, lol, that was worth more than just a little chuckle. ;)


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget?<br /><br />Duct Tape and Pocket knife. Can do almost any repair with the 2 of them!<br /><br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie?<br /><br />Was Lemon Marange till a couple weeks ago - wife made a killer peach/mango/nectarine pie out of the "old fruits in the frig." It was to die for!<br /><br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why?<br /><br />Bassy and LF. Just something about blondes and Fear Factor ...<br /><br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?<br /><br />Wanna go fishing?<br /><br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people?<br /><br />No<br /><br />6. What is your favorite dance?<br /><br />Carpy stole mine! Bill - cause he catches big bass!<br /><br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why?<br /><br />What ever is hitting at the time - strippers, bass, and gators are the prefered species.<br /><br />8. Do you play the lotto?<br /><br />Never<br /><br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said?<br /><br />Duh, I dunno! Too many to chose.<br /><br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters?<br /><br />"The Return of the Poofed Posts" (start humming the Pink Panther theme here) with Inspector Spinner, the bumbling detective who is loathed by his Commander, JB. Of course there are the token bimbos (we won't name them), and the evil villans, Tylerin, Carphunter, and GG. Bubbakat plays Inspector Spinners house boy and MY and Gonfishin are his informants. KB adds some of the police humor and, oh, the list goes on, but you get the point. It is time for bed!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

Originally posted by aspeck:<br /> <br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?<br /><br />Wanna go fishing?<br /><br />
Aspeck, I think you ought to hope he asks you to go fishin. Did you see that post re Daddy Bush's new boat? :D


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? shoge, with the chain instead of a rope.<br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? I'll keep it clean and just say dutch apple.<br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why? Don't watch it.<br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be? Can we have real terrorist hunting permits?<br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people? Yes.<br />6. What is your favorite dance? Tango.<br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why? Tuna, I just love eating tuna.<br />8. Do you play the lotto? Yes.<br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said? No sure. There are so many. :D <br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters? Sitting around at a nice dock chatting, boating, and fishing. Throw in some humor from grumpy old men series. rep vs dems instead of grumpy old men though. :D