Cold / snow, Just the price we pay to be free of earthquakes, hurricanes, heat, alligators, poisonous snakes and spiders.
How about skeeters? :joyous:
How about skeeters? :joyous:
Oh, you don't have those in GA ????
Ours don't carry zica.
At least we only have then for a few months.
And we have learned to harness them to lift bridges into place during construction season.
Good one, Roscoe!
Heated seats?
How about skeeters? :joyous:
Skeeters, ticks, bees, and blackflies. Could be worse!
I've been in northern Wisconsin in August. If you see 4 or more skeeters coming toward you they're probably planning on carrying you off to feed their young.
Na, it only takes one.[IMG2=JSON]{"alt":"Image result for Wisconsin mosquito","data-align":"none","data-size":"full","height":"404","width":"301","src":"https:\/\/\/originals\/7a\/ea\/c0\/7aeac098f582664b4dc6f28f7f920fa1.jpg"**[/IMG2]