Water leak at lower unit - 1977 70 hp evinrude


Jun 16, 2009
Hi everyone! I came across this website/forum while looking for an answer to a problem I'm having with my 1977 70 hp evinrude outboard. I saw a posting from last year (which I give credit for the full motor photo) and thought I'd do something as he did.

Where the skinny blue circle is, water is exiting the area with a constant stream (the red circle is the problem someone else was having and doesn't relate to my problem as far as I know). (see the e70_small.jpg image - that's my motor - the full motor image with the circle is j70.jpg). The water is the same temp as the river water.

Also the motor has only been tested with the motor and boat in the water. Other than this leak, the motor seems to behave normally.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks so much in advance for any help!!!! :eek:)


  • e70_small.jpg
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  • j70.jpg
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Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Water leak at lower unit - 1977 70 hp evinrude

Somewhat confusing..... If the "blue" engine is yours, I would assume that someone did not install the seal on top of the water pump and water is being forced up the driveshaft tube.


Jun 16, 2009
Re: Water leak at lower unit - 1977 70 hp evinrude

Many thanks for your comment Joe! The following might help clarify exactly what each picture shows. I do apologize for not doing that sooner...

If you click on the full motor picture to enlarge it and look for the blue circled area, that is where my motor is leaking. The full motor picture is to be used as a reference point to see where the leak actually is. This photo is not a picture that I took of my motor, but is a picture of a similar model motor that I found on the internet (to show where the leak is in reference to the entire motor).

The closeup picture is a picture that I took of my motor while running. It shows the stream of water and bead of water that I'm trying to find out why is happening.

So joe, do you think that the water is making it into the engine to cool it down? Where is the water pump in relation to the rest of the motor?

I really am trying not to blow up this motor. It's been incredibly good to us! :eek:) Thanks again!

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Water leak at lower unit - 1977 70 hp evinrude

If this engine has run good for you in the past and the lower unit hasn't been off to have the water pump replaced, and also in the past this water problem did not exist....... then I would suspect that the powerhead is leaking at some point/area, and if so, that should be easy to see when the engine is running.

On the other hand, if this engine is new to you, and this water problem has existed since day one, then I would suspect that someone has changed the water pump just before your purchase and failed to install that top water pump seal.

No , that water you see is definitely not going there to cool the engine down. The cooling water is all within the powerhead water passages and cannot be seen.

The water pump sits directly on top on the lower unit.


Jun 16, 2009
Re: Water leak at lower unit - 1977 70 hp evinrude

Thanks again for the insight into this issue! We're the only people who have owned this motor and it's been maintained well...the motor mount has been replaced because of rust, engine "computer" replaced at least 3 or 4 times, coils and plugs been change a couple of times...and engine has been sanded and repainted probably 5 times. The original prop was on it...I'll explain the "was"...

Literally about a week ago, my dad was running the boat in the river and accidentally hit a 2x4 that was in the water. The boat came out fine and the motor actually survived as well...

The 2x4 was sucked up into the aluminum propeller (which was the original from 1977) - and the 2x4 litereally sheared off on of the three blades of the prop.

Other than the 1 blade missing, and the water leak, there is no noticable damage.

I know the lower unit oil should be checked to see if it's "milky" (which my dads back there now checking everything out).

As far as when it idles and runs, there are no noticable problems with it - other than the water leak.

The boat hangs in a boat house all year long - and of course the motor is winterized. I'm not sure if the leak came from the 2x4 or from normal wear to the water pump and seals. The water pump has been overhauled a couple of times as well. Last time I think was about 3 or 4 years ago.

Also it's worth mentioning that the water leak has happened before, but was more a drip than a stream. We ran it that way for i'd say about 3 or 4 hours total (for one summer's use).

Anyways - after reading the book length post that I've just typed up, do you have any further insight into the issue? I didn't want to post the info about the 2x4 until someone had given me a "standard issue" type possible cause for the leak. :eek:)

The reason we've had the motor so long is it has been perhaps the best motor that our family or my relatives have ever had! Other folks have purchased other brands, newer motors that were evinrude, and always when they have to take their motor into the shop - or they can't get it started, this motor always has come through for us! :eek:) Basically everything has been redone on the motor except for changing the power head. It's nickeled and dime'ed us but has really proven itself to be an incredibly dependable motor.

Thanks again so much for your help and for any future ideas or comments that you would have into this issue.


Jun 21, 2009
Re: Water leak at lower unit - 1977 70 hp evinrude

Okay I bought this same motor last week and the guy told me that the water is suppost to come out of the spot indicated in the picture with the red circle the one on the bottom of the two choice, I am confused as to is that the norm or wrong with this motor. As far as I can gather you are saying that it should just stay in the unit? Or MAYBE Just one more thing the guy mislead me about, I really feel I got shaved. This boating thing is not for newbies. People lie like a dead cat. :confused:


Aug 4, 2024
Having trouble posting pictures of my problem. How do I resolve that? thanks