Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.

I no longer live in Washington state, but I am curious.<br /><br />While I tend to agree that sin taxes, as well as lottery revenues, are a terrible way to finance a government, which specific state funded programs do you object to?<br /><br />I'll bet you drive on the roads, take your family to a park from time to time, send your kids to school, and utilize all sorts of other state sponsored services.<br /><br />The initiative process, and specifically Tim Eyeman sponsored initiatives, have made it next to impossible to govern a state while providing mandatory state services to provide a reasonable quality of life.<br /><br />Everyone has their pet projects, some more necessary than others, no doubt.<br /><br />My daughter is a taxpayer in Washington State, she is blind, and needs public transportation to get her to and from her work. It is important to her.<br /><br />My brother also lives in Washington State, and utilizes the state subsidized cross sound ferry system every day.<br /><br />Let me guess. You want to eliminate those programs you don't specifically take advantage of on a daily basis. That, after all, is the conservative mindset.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.

Never understood why the government thinks they can spend my money better than I do.<br /><br />Maybe they like to spend it on the people that helped get them elected???<br /><br />Ken
Jun 1, 2005
Re: Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.

Originally posted by heycods:<br /> ha ha ha aha ha ha ha oppps got carried away there. ;) I love it when a plan falls apart.
Thank you Dastardly.
Jun 1, 2005
Re: Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.

Originally posted by heycods:<br /> Gosh I didnt know this was a rant, Ill be back in a while, I gotta go find my soap box. ;) :D
Thank you Dastardly.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.

PW, exactly, the self centered,"What is in it for me?" attitude......<br />Tim Eyeman is a thorn in the posterior of this state.....He is a self serving jerk who makes his living off of these initiatives....<br />The car tab thing was/is a joke....<br />If you can afford to purchase a Beamer/Hummer than you should pay more for tabs than the poor slob driving the '78 Gremlin......<br />The initiative process is a bad thing, too..IMHO<br />We are still paying for the monorail debacle....<br />You elect people to office because of what they represent.....<br />When they don't do the things they promised, out they go next election....<br />But at least give them a chance to live up to their promises....JK


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.

Yes HM, but the point is not necessarily that the BMW owner should pay more or not for his tabs, but rather those tab revenues were going to fund transportation issues, and you can't, as the initiative did, fundamentally cut revenues without an equally fundamental cut in services.<br /><br />In the case of the tabs, there was a fundamental cut in public transportation--which of course put lots more cars on the road--and the ultimate in irony, now they want to spend billions in larger freeways to handle the increased congestion---all thanks to the brilliant planning of Tim Eyeman!

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.

Sound transit is being built....(Light rail)<br />Hopefully it will help...<br />Tim Eyeman didn't help anyone but himself...<br />He is a boil on Washington's butt, IMHO..//<br />The Clark Co. whiners are the ones who hate it & feel that they should not help to pay for it....JK


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.

The basic problem Liberals have when it comes to economics is, everything is looked at statically, when real-world economics are dynamic. Especially when it comes to using the tax system as a means of influencing behaviour or redistribution of income.<br /><br />The sin tax is a prime example. You raise taxes on tobacco, then get angry when the chaps go next door and buy it because the price is cheaper, due to lower taxes.<br /><br />To every action, there is a reaction. Always has been, always will be. It works in physics, works the same in economics.<br /><br />***<br /><br />We are soon approaching a serious point in our economy (if not already there) of over taxation to the point of disaster. I'm talking the combined Fed, State, Local, sales, road, fuel, fees, Real Estate...etc. Taxes paid by us in everything we do and the goods we use. Economic disaster looms unless this monster is brought into check.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.

We are not taxing ourselves into disaster....<br />We are spending ourselves into disaster....<br />Especially at the federal level.....<br />In the 5+ yers of "W"s' reign, I<br />Gotta go!.....JK


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.

Originally posted by KaGee:<br /> Hey Boomy... The poor can't afford to live in Washington... why y'all need social programs to begin with? I thought y'all was a bunch of Rich White Honkies!<br /><br /> ;)
KaGee, contrary to popular myth, there are two classes of people in WA State. (especially King County)<br /><br />There are those that drive BMW's and own stock in Starbucks and those who don't. :D


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.

I didn't know you could get trim tabs for a Beamer or a Hummer? What the flip is that?


Nov 11, 2005
Re: Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.

Originally posted by technoslugginagin:<br />
Originally posted by heycods:<br /> Gosh I didnt know this was a rant, Ill be back in a while, I gotta go find my soap box. ;) :D
Thank you Dastardly.
You didnt coment on **** Dastardlys other coment, whazzmatter cant coment on sumthin you agree with :p :p


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 15, 2005
Re: Washington State Dems get their greedy little hands slapped.

"Let me guess. You want to eliminate those programs you don't specifically take advantage of on a daily basis. That, after all, is the conservative mindset."<br /><br /> Thats hardly a conservative mindset. More like an aristocratic mindset, something you libs have a monopoly on.