Wars have never solved anything!


Aug 8, 2003
Re: Wars have never solved anything!

Originally posted by snapperbait:<br /> Funny... <br /><br />Hate to bring ya down, but colonialism, imperialism, slavery, fascism, nazism and<br />communism are all still very much alive in the world today...
True enough...but these are things that merely annoy us. Annoyance is preferable to outright oppression.<br /><br /><br />-dd-


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 25, 2003
Re: Wars have never solved anything!

Plywoody, You feeling OK??? :D <br />PW2, that is Plywoody, right??? :D <br /><br />You may be right, PW2. It won't really work near as well as we'd like, the the only other options I can imagine are 1. Convincing their peers to turn them around or 2. Our cheap imitation of a virtual armageddon (which might even somehow lead to the Real Armageddon) The first is unlikey and the second unthinkable and leaves little future for our species. Bad place to be if it keeps escalating. One thing I'm sure of is if we don't make them stop (if even possible) they won't! Maybe a third option would be a strong dose of isolationism with stronger border defenses. Lots of deep economic implications there. And would our security even then be all that great? What would happen to our economy without the free flow of crude oil? Ironically it is largely our dollars which fund terrorism anyway, albeit indirectly. Really adds insult to injury. The greenies may have a good point here. Maybe we are way overdue to develop some serious alternatives to petroleum fuels. Biodiesel, hydrogen fuel cells, whatever. There are people running their diesel engines on converted french fry oil right now- for 50 cents a gallon! I would be too if I had a diesel engine in my pick up truck.


Jan 22, 2002
Re: Wars have never solved anything!

i get the feeling that if we turned isolationist, we'd have another civil war due to all of the non-native people here(not born here)...not sure, but it seems that would be way worse than what some here think our odds on getting democracy in iraq.<br /><br />not to mention who is gonna takeover who, and start lobbing missiles while we're sitting on the porch, sipping mint julip tea, staring at the wall-of-china-*** that we had to put up on the border... ;)


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Wars have never solved anything!

How can we fight a war against people that killed 3000 innocent people just because we had military on their "holy land" and we support Israels right to defend itself.<br /><br />These people were willing to kill themselves and others just for that.<br /><br />That fact alone proves you cannot reason with them.<br /><br />Total extermination of all extremist leaders is the only solution.<br /><br />Ken


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 25, 2003
Re: Wars have never solved anything!

Easier said than done, unfortunately. Especially when our own people are so divided over the whole matter. Some are so angry at this whole war thing, blaming the President as they do. I am angry too but I place the blame where it belongs- on the bad guys in the middle east. I can't see why so many fail to understand the consequences of allowing the bad guys to run wild all over the world. Its not like they haven't hit us here on our soil, either. Does anyone remeber 9-11? Even if Iraq wasn't an issue (it WAS) the bad guys ARE concentrated their NOW. It is utterly irrational to think the threat will go away if we leave those "poor terrorists" alone. Equally irrational for us to get so divided. But we cannot force people to see the long term consequenses if they don't want to see them. :confused: :eek: :rolleyes: