VRO oil injection bypass?


Jun 4, 2007
Re: VRO oil injection bypass?

I have cleaned every terminal with a brass wire brush, used dielectric grease on all the wire terminals to the solenoid, and still nothing, but I can arch across two of the terminals on the solenoid and it'll start right up


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 19, 2007
Re: VRO oil injection bypass?

I have a 89 or 90 johnson 40 hp with oil injection on a Bass Tracker 17 pro boat, the problem is the warning buzzer for low oil is obviously defective account it's will buzz all of the time even when the oil tank is full, the pump is working cause I can see that the oil level has dropped after using the boat, I am thinking about deleting the oil injection unit and just mixing my oil and gas, I have talked to a local boat shop and they said I had to replace the VRO oil pump that's located next to the power head with a fuel pump and then I could mix my gas & oil, is this correct or can I just plug off oil line and run a gas/oil mixture in my gas can? is the VRO pump also a fuel pump?
Certainly someone has had this same dilemma, I would appreciate and help.

Strange I had a bad pump and my buzzer never sounded.


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: VRO oil injection bypass?

Does it do anything when you turn the key? Is it turning over but just won't start? If you getting nothing, remove the motor cover and look for a bullet connector with a 20 Amp. fuse in it. It may have blown...