Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

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Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2007

im fairly mechanically inclined and im 99.9% sure the noise im about to describe is NOT coming from the engine. It sounds like a bad bearing almost mixed with some knocking noise that seems a tad louder when the drive is tilted up and in gear than when the drive is flat or in running position. There just seems to be too much noise coming from the drive area. Here is the catch, last year I repalced the bellows (the old ones were in mint shape, just as percaution at the time since i didn't knowif they were rotted/split), greased the u joints with the Evinrude wheel bearing grease as per manual and greased the gimbal bearing with the same grease. i also purchased an alignment bar and used that and it slid in easily and engaged the splines with EASE. now the drive is a 96 and so is the motor, and the whole engine/drive have 68 hours on them. total. boat sat on trailer 95% of the time NEW, only 30 hours on it from 96-07, and when i aquired i just put the rest of the hours on it. So everything is in great shaped, was properly stored (fogged, engine/drive coated with anti-corrosion, everything lubed, block/manifoldd drained etc) ....

suggestions or tests i can run to diagnose? was going to pull drive and hook up hose to water pump inlet on the engine and see if it made noise without drive attached. would that be a start?

Thanks guys

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

Gimbal bearing or ujoints. Pull the drive and feel them when you move them. Any roughness will requier replacement


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 28, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

Could also rig it up and run it with drive off to totally eliminate the engine noise by attaching water hose to intake with drive removed.

As usually though I agree with Don S, I would expect the gimbel and/or u joints first. I bought my boat it had 41 hours on it and bad u joints. Typically people that never use boats have most limited knowledge and do silly run them fully trimmed up.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2007
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

Could also rig it up and run it with drive off to totally eliminate the engine noise by attaching water hose to intake with drive removed.

As usually though I agree with Don S, I would expect the gimbel and/or u joints first. I bought my boat it had 41 hours on it and bad u joints. Typically people that never use boats have most limited knowledge and do silly run them fully trimmed up.

I know this may or may not be tough to answer but how high up can you run the SX stern drive tilted up, at idle speed? Reason I ask is i go through shallow water alot and need to run it tilted, i'd say between running position and full tilt, so call it half tilt.....

Second question, how hard to install gimbal bearing? I've replaced axle bearings on cars using a bearing remover, im guessing and hoping its about the same? how about ujoints ? THanks!!!

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

I wouldn't suggest running it at all at full up that can take out a transom shield. At half way up, not over 1000.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2007
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

I wouldn't suggest running it at all at full up that can take out a transom shield. At half way up, not over 1000.

i just pulled the drive. sure enough, water came out of the U joint bellows and there was a puddle in the bellow itself. u joints rusted. gimbal bearing shot. i changed the lower gearcase oil, no signs of water at all, so filled that back up with the ULTRA syntethic envinrude HPF oil, but now im wondering if something else besides the gimbal bearing and u joiunts were taken out because of this? there wasn't water seaping in the boat i know that because i looked for any signs with boat in water before i pulled the boat out of the water, and the shaft that goes into the coupler looks clean, aka no rust and has grease on it still....

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

If there was damage, you would have seen it on the areas on the bellhousing and transom shield where the bellows clamp on. If they look good, then having the drive trimmed too high did cause the problem.
Was there any holes in the bellows? Check the rings of the bellows that fit in the grooves of the transom shield and bellhousing. If the bellows was not in the groove properly, they WILL leak.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2007
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

If there was damage, you would have seen it on the areas on the bellhousing and transom shield where the bellows clamp on. If they look good, then having the drive trimmed too high did cause the problem.
Was there any holes in the bellows? Check the rings of the bellows that fit in the grooves of the transom shield and bellhousing. If the bellows was not in the groove properly, they WILL leak.

no holes in the bellows, they were new last year. i put them in...apperently i messed it up somehow, they recomended in the manual i had to use gasket maker where they seal but now i read not to since it doesn't need it nor does the factory use it ?? Anyhow, im fairly certain the bellow seal area that seals again the drive once it goes in (not the one that clamps onto the transom shield) was the cause of the leak....besides i don't understand how that piece that fits up against the bellow seals since there is a groove there that LOOKS like it lets water in? See picture below, i put an arrow pointing where im talking about....


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Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

Picture is way too small to see anything.

Lou C

Supreme Mariner
Nov 10, 2002
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

Hard to say if that's the source of the water, I know on the OMC Cobra which has a very similar design, you are supposed to coat the lip of the bellows and the rim of the bearing carrier with OMC Triple Guard Grease, I think it's just so the parts fit together easily, it is probably the fit of the bellows lip on the carrier that makes the seal, from looking at it. The end of the bellows that fits on the gimble mount is supposed to be installed with OMC gasket sealer. I don't know what the Volvo manual says but it's probably similar.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 15, 2003
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

Getting the bellows to seat in the groove on the transom shield side is tricky. It's easy to think you've got it on when you really don't. Not hard to mess it up, especially if you don't change them often.



Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2007
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

Getting the bellows to seat in the groove on the transom shield side is tricky. It's easy to think you've got it on when you really don't. Not hard to mess it up, especially if you don't change them often.


I called the local skipper buds marina and they quoted me ~900 bucks to replace the bellows, u joints, gimbal bearing, re-install drive.

that seem high to you guys? i told them i already had the drive off the boat......


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 15, 2003
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

I called the local skipper buds marina and they quoted me ~900 bucks to replace the bellows, u joints, gimbal bearing, re-install drive.

that seem high to you guys? i told them i already had the drive off the boat......

It depends. If they are talking about replacing the entire shaft assembly which is required on some version of the SX now (they stopped offering ujoints in some cases) the part is about 400.00 and the upper gear box needs to be pulled apart to install it. That could easily put you over 900.00 with the other work. If it's just ujoints gimbal bearings and bellows you are talking at best 250.00 in parts and a couple hours labor. Probably about an hour for the ujoints and an hours for the rest.

There is a recent thread discussion the new need to replace the entire shaft assembly now instead of ujoints. I am lucky enough to have the old style ujoints and can get replacements.

Maybe Don will chime in here to clarify his a bit better. If you CAN jsut do the ujoints here are the cross reference part numbers listed by Don S and Fishermark from another thread:

SPICER# 5-1306X
NEAPCO# 1-6300 / 1-6301
TRW (FEDERAL MOGUL)# 20030 / 20030P



Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2007
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

my drive is a 96, and the u joints have zerks on them so it seems to me that that the u joints are replacable....

Also, called another marina, i asked for a quote, they told me it would cost 550 in labor ALONE to install new u joints, u joint bellow, and gimbal bearing, that wasn't even including PARTS.....WTF!!!????

i thought the auto industry ripped people off with repairs at shops but the marina industry takes the cake! im guessing since most people that want their boat repaired for them have lots of $$$ so they can charge these outrageous prices!!!!!

im thinking im going to do this job myself now, swap out the u joints, 80 bucks for both, new gimbal bearing 40 bucks, new bellows 40 bucks, so for 160 + a 12 pack of beer, an afternoon i will save 800 - 900 dollars...heck even if something leaks again and takes the u joints out again or the bearing, i can do the job another 5 times before i get it right and break even!!!!!!

now my only question is,

Do you use any gasket maker , anywhere on the u joint bellows, or do you just clamp them on at the transom side and slide them into the groove on the drive side and call it a day???? Any gasket maker around the drive to gimbal house mating surface? any good instructions out there on how to

remove gimbal bearing
install bellows

thanks !!!

btw which u joints are the right ones on ?**********.446128519--view_id.269270

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

Well, if your "Marina" is a Volvo dealer, then they know you can't get the ujoints for the outside keeper ujoints any more. You have to order the complete unit for $385, that list of ujoints mcleaves posted won't work in this case, unless you have the C clip type keeper inside the yokes.
Now, if you do have to replace the complete unit, you have to pull the front bearing carrier off. The ujoint kit comes with new seals and crush sleeve so you can reset the rolling torque when you install the new ujoint assembly. They will probably be useing a Volvo bellows which costs more than the aftermarket junk. So there is basically a lot of steps you aren't even aware of.
Just because it costs more than what you THINK it should, doesn't mean you are being ripped off.
You may take weeks of posts and time to change the bellows and ujoints before you get it right (if you do) so don't beech about the price till you know what is involved.
As far as which ujoints in your link, maybe none of them. Got a picture of your ujoint assembley?


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2007
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

Well, if your "Marina" is a Volvo dealer, then they know you can't get the ujoints for the outside keeper ujoints any more. You have to order the complete unit for $385, that list of ujoints mcleaves posted won't work in this case, unless you have the C clip type keeper inside the yokes.
Now, if you do have to replace the complete unit, you have to pull the front bearing carrier off. The ujoint kit comes with new seals and crush sleeve so you can reset the rolling torque when you install the new ujoint assembly. They will probably be useing a Volvo bellows which costs more than the aftermarket junk. So there is basically a lot of steps you aren't even aware of.
Just because it costs more than what you THINK it should, doesn't mean you are being ripped off.
You may take weeks of posts and time to change the bellows and ujoints before you get it right (if you do) so don't beech about the price till you know what is involved.
As far as which ujoints in your link, maybe none of them. Got a picture of your ujoint assembley?

don - dealer stated they should be able to just replace the ujoints and not the whole shaft and that was the 900 dollar quote for JUST u joints, gimbal, 1 bellow. If that IS the case, and that IS what they can and will do, that is outrageous.

IF they are going to replace the whole shaft, and go through that hassle of removing more of the lower unit, then 900 sounds right to me, so i agree. but again the BOTH dealers stated specifically just u joints not the whole shaft for 900 bucks.

just curious, what does a new/rebuilt SX 1.97 unit cost?

also i will post a pic tonight when i get back into town from work.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

just curious, what does a new/rebuilt SX 1.97 unit cost?

$6735 is Volvo's MSRP

One other note, for $6125 you can get a complete repower package. Engine, transom assembly, and outdrive.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2007
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

$6735 is Volvo's MSRP

One other note, for $6125 you can get a complete repower package. Engine, transom assembly, and outdrive.

WOW , almost 7 grand JUST for a drive from volvo..

just out of curiosity, what is a good site for repowering packages?


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Volvo Penta 3.0 GS SX Outdrive Noise

You should have the replaceable u joints in that vintage of drive. I took my whole unit down to a driveline shop and they did it for me while I watched this little old guy bang them out in 15 minutes and replace them in another 10. 50 bucks in labor and 32.56 in parts, course this guy was old school and certainly not in Bellevue, WA were they rob you blind. The knocking you are hearing is normal unless it sounds like the drive is about to explode. Mine does the same thing in the up position. trim it down and it is silent. That is an extreme angle to spin the kind of weight that you are spinning and the drive axle was not designed to spin at any great speed in the trim up position. And yes my Gimbel Bearing is fine as well. I would find a shop that can do the u joint for you, should not be over 100 bucks. and then I would buy the Volvo Bellow and follow the factory manual that I know you will use for the procedure and you will be fine. Just make sure there is no rust anywhere on the drive that rubs up against any seals or you will be replacing that seal in short order. It is a 3 hour job if you have the basic tools required. Some shops just think that they can rape people because they assume that if they have a boat they have money. Course the other side of the coin is that this type of labor is worth whatever some poor sap is willing to pay.
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