Volvo Penta 275 Plowing


Jul 11, 2009
First of all I would like to thank the forum as I have been reading for 2 years now and it has been a lot of help on my first boat, 19.5 galaxy w/ iron duke and a alpha one outdrive. I have upgraded this year to a 1988 Imperial 2200xl with the 225E and a volvo penta 275 outdrive. Tonight was the maiden voyage and every thing ran well. It had no problem reaching plane and had no problem hitting 35mph but it seemed like the bow was riding to low in the water. There where only two people (350lbs) on board and we were mid boat. I attempted to trim up but I don't think the motor/cylinder(?) have enough to keep the outdrive up under the force of the motor. Any suggestions there? Also the steering is quite sloppy. I have to turn about 1/3 wheel in the opposite direction to get a response from the outdrive. Any help would be most appreciated.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 23, 2010
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

it sounds like you sir are in the same boat as me, no pun intended. i have an 86 byliner with same engine drive combo. it sux period! no power steering on mine and that trim you speak of, unless different than mine, is not power trim at all. it is only a tilt to allow you to load it on your trailer. very crappy setup. you will damage your mechanical lift trying to trim it. don't try. look on the bottom and see if it has mechanical hooks that engage a stainless bolt with hooks. its a terrible setup and the rod has 3 holes to trim it up and down a little. try moving the rod. i hate to tell you but if you want power trim,tilt. your screwed.


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

it sounds like you sir are in the same boat as me, no pun intended. i have an 86 byliner with same engine drive combo. it sux period! no power steering on mine and that trim you speak of, unless different than mine, is not power trim at all. it is only a tilt to allow you to load it on your trailer. very crappy setup. you will damage your mechanical lift trying to trim it. don't try. look on the bottom and see if it has mechanical hooks that engage a stainless bolt with hooks. its a terrible setup and the rod has 3 holes to trim it up and down a little. try moving the rod. i hate to tell you but if you want power trim,tilt. your screwed.

Funny, Volvo produced these drives for 20 years. They clearly screwed thousands of people over the years, including Tommy, who didn't do any research and was tricked into buying an outdrive without power trim. Shame on Volvo Penta!!!

Tommy, however, has the right idea on adjusting the outdrive using the stainless rod.

#34 in this link*******.856532450--**********.277206151--store_id.366--view_id.315590


Jul 11, 2009
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

I will have to check that bolt position. I believe it is in the furthest one up. Trim tabs help with leveling the boat out and stern lift but would they, when adjusted right, help with bow lift. If so any suggestions on which ones to use and how big? Would the smart tabs, self adjusting after you choose the resistance, do what I am looking for?
My steering is very easy. No big effort to move it. It is most to easy to move. It seems to have slop from side to side. If I am engaging left and I want to turn back right I have to turn back 1/3 to 1/2 turn before the boat starts to react. Seems like there is slop in the turning mechanism. Any adjustments to take that up?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 23, 2010
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

Ha ha! I'm sure the drive is good. Part of my hatred toward Volvo is because I'm stuck with something I did nit research :( my own fault. I'm sure the setup works great for some but I wakeboard, and it is very important I trim my boat to change the wake. Also mine steers the same way, I suspect all those bushings are worn giving the foot slack. You can have a man hold mine and turn the wheel a half turn while all the forks move but the drive stays still! Lol


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

Smart tabs and trim tabs will only lift the stern which is not going to help with the bow height. Moving the adjustment rod back away from the transom is what you need to do to raise the bow. I've played with mine in the past and found it to have a large affect on the way the boat rides and performs.

As for the steering, mine is a bit sloppy to, especially at slow speeds. You can look and see where the play is, mine is in the shaft going up through the transom shield and in the pin connecting the steering helmet to the upper gear box. I don't worry to much about it frankly unless I'm parallel parking.:eek:

Let us know how it goes.:)


Jul 11, 2009
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

I ran the boat today with the pin in the farthest hole away from the transom and the boat would overheat once I came up on plane. It was to choppy to see if this raised the bow out of the water. I would slow down and sit the aft in the water and the boat would cool right down. So while in the water I changed the pin back to the middle hole and no overheating but when I would get on plane and get some speed the boat would list starboard and it wants to pull left. I had the weight equalized in the boat fairly well. It wasn't doing it nearly as bad when the pin was in the number 3 hole. Any suggestions?


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

Sounds like you've go a few issues going here.

The pull in the steering can be compensated for by adjusting the exhaust outlet on the outdrive one way or another by loosening up the bolt right above.

The overheating while on plane is typically the outdrive sucking air either at the water intake fitting on top of the intermediate housing, or could be the oring seal between the lower unit and intermediate. I would pull the hose off the fitting and check the fitting for corrosion. Its hard to work around under the bellow, but can be done. Or pull the upper gear box off for better access. Pulling the upper gear box would be a good idea anyway since the boat is new to you. Check your ujoints and intermediate bearings.

Heres a corroded intake fitting, fresh water, very common. Boat was overheating.
I think the best way to adjust the trim is to find a comfortable medium between top speed trim and hole shot speed. Mine works best in the middle position. Where was yours set before you adjusted it?

Better check out the overheating first.

What size boat is this??


Jul 11, 2009
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

It is a Imperial 2200xl (22'). I will pull the whole outdrive in the next few days to look at this fitting. The bellows are newer so I don't think I need to replace them. I will also check the gimbal bearing along with the intermediate. I pressure tested the outdrive and it was good. Would this eliminate the oring for the overheating? I have a seloc or clymer manual so I will have a bit of help while doing all this. I know it has to be from the transom back as I put a new impeller in the raw pump and it cools just fine otherwise. The bolt was in the middle hole originally and that is where I put it back to today after the overheating issue. Weird how it only overheated when I had the bolt in a different position.


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

You only need to pull the upper, but I would pull the hose off the fitting before pulling the upper. Only take a couple minutes to check.:)


Jul 11, 2009
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

I pulled the upper and sure enough rotted hose connector. I have ordered all new bellows, cooling hose, and connector. How do you check the intermediate bearings and ujoints? Am I ok to rely on the old gasket and oring between the upper and mid gear housing?


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

You need to replace the two orings between the upper and intermediate. Do not reuse any orings or seals. they should all be available through Iboats if you choose to buy them online. But wait until you figure out what other parts you may need.

Installing the intake fitting is much easier with the upper off. It has a special seal that needs to sit correctly under the fitting. You'll see when you get it.:)

Once you get the upper off, you'll be able to reach in and check the drive shaft for play. If there is any movement side to side, the intermediate bearings are shot.

Checking the ujoints is similar, your looking for play in the bearings, and/or stiffness and corrosion.

Pull the upper off and leat us know what you find.:)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 23, 2010
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

I just did the same thing you are doing. I pulled my upper gearbox and u-joints were shot. I bought them both at orielys. Bellows too and orings. All half price. Except orings were a little more. I can get u part numbers if u like


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 23, 2010
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

I just did the same thing you are doing. I pulled my upper gearbox and u-joints were shot. I bought them both at orielys. Bellows too and orings. All half price. Except orings were a little more. I can get u part numbers if u like


Jul 11, 2009
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

The ujoints seem ok but I am going to replace them as long as I am this far in. The bearing is tight and no slop or rough spots. The dealer I was talking to mentioned reshimming the upper. Is this necessary or just reuse the shim that was in there? What would I need to look for to tell me it is not shimmed properly? What are the oreilly part numbers?


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

If the upper was correctly shimmed before you took it off, you shouldn't need to reshim.

The manual explains the measuring but I've never tried it.

You'll need the two seals, 2-#17 in this link if your removing the clamping ring.*******.626839041--**********.806855857--store_id.366--view_id.315489

#7 and #34 from this link for reinstalling the upper.*******.626839041--**********.806855857--store_id.366--view_id.315444

I think these are a good value for ujoints*******.626839041--**********.806855857--view_id.187696


Jul 11, 2009
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

Thanks...I got the rest of the parts ordered today. Should have it back together Tuesday or Wednesday and is suppose to be mid 70's for Friday so I should have a chance to trial run her. I have also ordered smart tabs and hope that will help control the listing and help running at lower speeds for the parasail. Do you know about what gas shock poundage I want for the engine compartment hatch? It is fiberglass with a cushion 42" X 72"?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 18, 2007
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

one idea, set it in the middle to get to where you want to be, then have someone in the water just move the pin. Have your fun, then put back before you go home.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 4, 2007
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

one idea, set it in the middle to get to where you want to be, then have someone in the water just move the pin. Have your fun, then put back before you go home.

Ummmm, where was the pin (retaining pawl) originally? You obviously already have 2 of the 3 holes tested......LOL

If your bow was down, move the pin in toward the transom. I believe my retaining pawl is all the way out, and I use Smart Tabs to plane quicker. Good combo on my small Bayliner.
Tabs can control porpoising, but not a continuous bow down condition.


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Volvo Penta 275 Plowing

If your bow was down, move the pin in toward the transom.

No, it's the opposite tbear.:rolleyes:

Move the pin out away from the transom if plowing at planing speed, move the pin in for quicker hole shot by but may plow at speed.
