used tar to seal boat

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Jul 15, 2010
Re: used tar to seal boat

im using a "brass" wire wheel on a drill. it worx good. puts a shine on the alum. and it doesnt even get warm from the action. your more likely to warp it with the torch.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 20, 2009
Re: used tar to seal boat

I thought the same thing 180Fisherman when I first read this. I'd almost bet there is something hidden under that tar.

Try acetone, in a well-ventilated area while wearing a respirator.

As a commercial roofer that is what we used to clean the tar off things and clean the roof before repairs are made. Don't light a cigarette while using it and use some rubber gloves as well as the mask (that stuff will absolutley kill the nerves).


Jun 30, 2009
Re: used tar to seal boat

You know that brass and steel wire wheels can get particles stuck in the aluminum and cause dissimilar metal corrosion right? I mean I am just guess since I fix aircraft for a living and not boats.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 5, 2010
Re: used tar to seal boat

I had a 12' jon boat a few years ago that had been coated with roofing tar. The former owner did it, it took me about 12 hours to get it all off. I found a nice shady spot to work, a bucket of old gas, and a pile of rags and a brass wire brush. I soaked sections with gas, scraped the majority of it off, then scrubbed and wiped with gas till it was gone.
It was a pain to do but I wasn't using it like that. That worst part was finding out why they coated the boat in the first place. There was a nick from the inside out, about the size of a hair, it looked likes someone dropped a screwdriver or something sharp, the at the point made a tiny pin hole. A coat of paint on the inside would have sealed it. Instead they put a bucket of nasty tar on the bottom, and glued down that cheap AstroTurf looking carpet. To make matters worse, they painted the whole thing silver over top of the tar, and some of the carpet. They even wrapped the gunwales in carpet. When I was done stripping off all the crap they put on it, a small dab of JB Weld fixed the minor leak, and buffer made the hull look new again. About half way through all the buffing to make the bare aluminum hull shine again, someone traded me a 15' boat for it.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 19, 2010
Re: used tar to seal boat

I have no idea why thay would tar the bottom of the boat .. I have helped friends with there boats and just used a good sealent .. and it was done ..

I got some paint stripper and seems to work

as with the torch I am heating up the puddy knife so that I can take off as much of the 'roofing tar' off the boat .. then I want to paint it ..

what is a good paint I would like a light colour for the bottom .. and inside

the next step is to install some storage under the bench seats so I can store some fishing gear and other things so thay dont go rolling around the bottom of the boat ..


May 5, 2011
Re: used tar to seal boat

Under No circumstance should you use gasoline for anything but an internal combustion engine..That was extremely poor or misinformed advice..diesel fuel is a much better alternative..gasoline has an ignition temperature of -42F and can be easily ignited by the sparks from within a drill motor created by the brushes contacting the armature..soak the hull with diesel from a bug sprayer and allow the tar to will be easier to remove it..make sure you have no open flame(s) near the advice in reference to using gasoline comes via the experience and training I received as the Fire Marshal in a city of 50,000 and 33 years of service..good luck in you endeavors.


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Re: used tar to seal boat

I have no idea why thay would tar the bottom of the boat ..

I do, but I'll keep it to myself. Mama taught me better than to say ugly things about folks, even morons who coat john boats with tar.:rolleyes:
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