Update on the Texas Maid project


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Well I've figured out another reason I enjoy working on old/antique outboards and boats. Got downsized at work just before Christmas, but luckily they're giving me through the end of Feb. on the payroll while I search for other gainful emplyment. So, I've been working on the boat restoration project at hand, a mid-60's Texas Maid 15 ft. aluminum runabout/skiboat. It's great therapy to do the work, gut the hull, cut/fit/install a new transom, cut/fit/waterproof/install a new deck...got the deck installation done today. If it weren't for the Maid, I'd have probably gone nuts with worry by now. Anyway, wanted to pass along something I learned putting the new deck down. When predrilling the new deck for placement on aluminum stringers, choose a drill bit only slightly smaller than the diameter of your stainless screws. I started out with too small a bit and broke it due to binding (not drilling fast enough). Then I sheared the head off of a screw cause the pilot hole was too small and the screw bound up. All in all, a good day. Now I'm waiting on the marine sealant that I placed over the screw heads to cure...then the deck will get a final coat of paint to hide the sealant. Next step is to install a new steering system...wheel, hub, and cable. I'm going to go with a modern rotary system with one cable. Then it will be time to find/install a new throttle/shift control...one that can be rigged to two mid-50's Johnson outboards (15/18 hp) that I'm going to mount side-by-side on the transom. Then it's time for seats. And after that, a test run at the local lake...weather permitting. I'll try to take/post some pix of the Maid after she's refitted and ready for the test run.