unusual pet abilities


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: unusual pet abilities

WillyBWright said:
We gotta fix him up with Darla.

NO!!! We gotta keep him away from Darla. She can't even steer and she'll mess up the gene pool . . .


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: unusual pet abilities

Back to our personal pets, I had a Black/Chocolate Lab mix. Biggest Lab I have ever seen! Like any Lab, she liked to retrieve from the water. But she wasn't interested in mere sticks. Anytime I tried, she just looked at me like "Is that the best you got?" If it wasn't a chunk of lumber, a log, or a limb, she couldn't be bothered.

I live in a small city. I kept her in a huge kennel in the back yard behind the garage. She killed 3 possums at separate times. I found them in her kennel. I had no idea they were around, being in a city. Nor did I know how they got in the kennel with her. Then I heard her barking incessantly one night and went out to see what the ruckus was all about. There were two young coons in the Lilacs bordering her kennel. She chased them high in the branches with her barking, then bounced on the fencing which jiggled the branches. That's how she got those possums. I brought her in the house so the cute little critters would escape. Probably a mistake.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: unusual pet abilities

I saw a Yellow at the lake once who retrieved rocks from the bottom 8) Probably 4 feet deep and not just any rock, you'd throw one in and he'd always come back with the one you threw . . .


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2006
Re: unusual pet abilities

Our black lab is somewhat strange in the fact that she doesn't like water. You throw something in, and she will look at you like "You go get it." On the other hand, our two dauchsands love the water. At the beach the will swim and swim bobbing over the waves with a look like there special or something.8)
Two years ago, we gave Maggie (the lab) a 100 pack of tennis balls as she crushes the balls while bringing them back to you. Then they don't fit in the flinger. She ruins one a day. She thought she had died and gone to heaven. BAD MOVE on our part. Her tail is like steel and spins like a helicopter rotor. She had leveled three lamps and my little sister who ended up falling on the brick in front of the fireplace.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: unusual pet abilities

WillyBWright said:
Back to our personal pets, I had a Black/Chocolate Lab mix. Biggest Lab I have ever seen! Like any Lab, she liked to retrieve from the water. But she wasn't interested in mere sticks. Anytime I tried, she just looked at me like "Is that the best you got?" If it wasn't a chunk of lumber, a log, or a limb, she couldn't be bothered.

I live in a small city. I kept her in a huge kennel in the back yard behind the garage. She killed 3 possums at separate times. I found them in her kennel. I had no idea they were around, being in a city. Nor did I know how they got in the kennel with her. Then I heard her barking incessantly one night and went out to see what the ruckus was all about. There were two young coons in the Lilacs bordering her kennel. She chased them high in the branches with her barking, then bounced on the fencing which jiggled the branches. That's how she got those possums. I brought her in the house so the cute little critters would escape. Probably a mistake.

Good you brought her in WbW, Coons are a lot tougher then Possums. JR8)8)

puddle jumper

Jul 5, 2006
Re: unusual pet abilities

I had a Black lab a wile ago. I had him retreving beer from the cooler for me.The only problem was he would never close the cooler.:devil:8)