You unintentionally tripped over what is really the problem. No I don't think Willy is a racist. But racism is redefined by liberals everyday. Liberals strive to keep racism alive. That is how they draw power. Their group think mentality wants to have words removed from our lexicon. Like say discrimation. Do you frequently go to the supermarket and buy the slimey brown heads of lettuse? Or are you a discriminating shopper? My college professor told me there was no acceptable use for that word, when I used it in paper, as well as "exploit". Granted the paper was about "business" but full liberal speed ahead. These are your compadres Willy. Liberals want to give preference based on skin color. That is racist. That is what liberals do. There are so many examples of liberal racism, I don't have time to cover them all. The difference is, based on what has been historically defined as racism, isn't what we see anymore. It is the double standard that liberals apply to everything. Liberals love to subjegate people into groups. Rich, poor, gay, straight, white, black, yellow, green, tall, short, fat, thin, male, female, even bald. And then devine what rights each group gets based on their warped sense of fairness. Note: THATS NOT AMERICAN!!! It's more like communism.
So when I hear little quips like womens rights, I know the liberal response isn't equal rights, its removing rights from some and giving more to others. UNAMERICAN!! When I hear about racial equality, I know it will involve REMOVING a right from someone and conjouring up new ones for the "most currently favored" subgroup. That is racism, Willy. Just like a tall tree and rope and some "good ol' boy's" setting things right. And it defines what is wrong with todays modern liberal.