Ultility meters


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Dec 31, 2007
Re: Ultility meters

Well. I had a peek today and saw the main line goes into my house, then goes into the rest of the houses.. They are going to move me into a new place while repairs are made, which after that Im to stay in the new house.. Army housing for ya.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 25, 2007
Re: Ultility meters

As I recall, it was Ontario Hydro because most of the power generating was from hydroelectric generators instead of the coal or gas-fired more common in the US.

You've gotten good advice. From you bills, figure out what the "reading day" is, and take a reading yourself. Compare that to the power co's estimate. If it's a big difference, call them and they should be willing to take your reading. Even if they don't, it should balance out over a couple months. A couple bucks one way or the other is not worth getting your shorts in a knot. If you've kept your bills for a period of time, you should be able to validate a year's worth of useage even trusting their initial reading.

Now, the issue of 'leakage' ie the meter still spinning when the master breaker is off is a safety concern. Is there any chance the military (building owner) has power going somewhere else between the meter and your box? Very rare, but I've heard of that being done before. Otherwise, I'd file a safety issue with the power company -- tell 'em you don't a kid electrocuted from walking past. :D

Caveman Charlie

Chief Petty Officer
Oct 31, 2007
Re: Ultility meters

In my rural home the meter is on a pole in the center of the yard and the lines are buried underground from there. I sometimes forget not everybody lives on a farm.

Boy, shooting a meter around here will get you in big trouble. Shooting near anyone in MN will get you some real, real, time.