Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?
ok ,your getting there",theres nothing so bad tat couldn't be worse. "me grandfather told me that years ago.As for the broken bolts, are they broken above the hole, meaning you can get VICE GRIPS on them,if not,and you need do some drilling.First,since your dealingwith stainless bolts,you NEED COBALT drillbits.Always start with small first,in this case 1/8 of inch.Slow drilling.As you get larger almost to bolt size,as mentioned,a reverse or left hand bit is preferred. This drillis in the counter clockwise fashon and while doing so ,often will remove thebolt material from the threads,you need to drill in the center ,there will be a point that you can see the threads and bolt material ,try to pick as much of the remaining bolt material out with an ice pick or anything that will work,once you have some of the beginning material out,use a tap to help remove the remaining material,patience helps ,you DONT want to BREAK the tap in there.If that process just wont work,you can overdrill and put a heli-coil in bringing you back to original size.I like to try and avoid doing that.Last,I have seen ALOT of engines running without the the designed amount of bolts,in fact,one guy I knew ALWAYS left the bolt undr the trim tab out???not the way I like to go BUT,gotta have fun