Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

Well, there's 2 different schools of thought.8) I usually try around the bolt first and then if no go, hit it directly with the heat....


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2007
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

Good idea's fellas! Guess what ill be doing tomorrow :( :)


May 25, 2006
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

dont forget the bolt under the torque fin or whatever its called, i marked my fin with my pocket knife so i would be sure to get it back where it originally was. take ur time its a peice of cake, stick with it and think about what ur doin. my dad told me a OB was like a women, you gotta take ur time or you wont see any action for quite some time:devil: ....good luck. and listen to these guys they helped me a ton getting my 77 140 hp rude running like a champ. actually it was These guys, seloc, and the coors company8)



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2007
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

Okay fellas... tell me whats wrong with this picture...


Yup, you probably guessed it! One of the screws totally just snapped on us. Im so upset but im trying to maintain my cool :( I dont even know how im gonna fix that so im just not gonna think about that for now. Im gonna concentrate on still taking the bottom end off. Now I have questions though...

From the way yall are talking... there are 7 bolts. For some reason my manual is only showing these four. Now before I just start unscrewing things... I want to make sure I do the correct ones. Well "try" to unscrew things... ill tell ya what... Now im scared as crap because I dont want something like that to happen again :(

According to my picture... I took off the bolts that I labeled with the red arrow on both sides of the gear box. The one I labeled with the orange sun is the one that snapped... Now the ones in pink, are those two of the others I have to do? And where is the 7th one?



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2007
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

Heres the two in question...



Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

The broken bolt can be drilled out and if necessary, the threads cleaned up with a tap. Start with a very small drill bit (of good quality). Drill speed should be slow. High speed simply burns the bit. When you get the hole large enough to get an easy out into it, you can then attempt removal. It would help to put penetrating oil into the hole for a few days before removal is attempted. The rounded bolt heads also show use of a wrench instead of a six point socket.


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

The bigger bolt in the underside view. And the bolt in the center of the round disk with the fin (torque tab). Once the torque tab is off, there is another large bolt beneath it.

You are in for a real experience in drilling that bolt out. It is stainless steel and work-hardens as you drill. Use a cobalt drill bit and variable speed drill running on slow. Don't let it heat up or it will get hard and be extremely difficult to drill. Don't go trying to run any tap into the hole till ALL the screw is out or you run the risk of breaking the tap in the hole and it will be impossible to get out. A Heli-Coil is the cure for the threads after you get them totally screwed up. As for easy-outs, there is no such thing. They are not easy and they won't take the screw out. If the bolt didn't have enough strength to turn itself out, why would a skinny and brittle easy-out do it? But they do break off and like a tap are impossible to get out once they do.

24 years of working on salt water motors every day, one learns a lot of stuff. That bolt probably would have come out with the proper application of heat. A Lot of heat, preferably from an acetelyne torch. On the aluminum. Drilling is the last resort when all else fails and is to be avoided.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 26, 2006
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

I hope this picture makes sense to you. You want to unscrew the bolt holding the trim tab (the part with the bolt in #1), then there is a bolt hidden under there, you will want to unscrew that, then unscrew the other bolt.

Before unbolting the trim tab be sure to put a scribe mark so that you can put it back where it came off.

Also, don't forget to unhook/unbolt the shift linkage up top at the Power Head. Pay attention to how this connects. I'm not sure where yours goes in, but the manual should show you. I tried to illustrate the approximate location on your snapper picture. On my 150 it comes out right under the carbs, but I don't know your motor. You will want to unhook this prior to dropping the LU.


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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2007
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

Hey Brian,

Your pics arent working but I already unhooked the linkage. I actually took a pic of it and just didnt post it.

F R,

Thanks for the info, how long does it usually take to drill a bolt out like that?



Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 26, 2006
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

Well, I guess my pictures won't load. Hmmm....

A few other things I figured out as I went, when I did mine. I lowered the LU down, rested it on a chunk of 4x4 wood and released some pressure on the hydraulics. Then I unbolted the LU. Once I was sure everything was unhooked, I lifted the LU/motor up and had an assistant (my wife) lock the motor in the up position with the motor supports on the midsection. I then pulled the LU out. Doing it this way, I was able to control the LU dropping out and away from the midsection.

I noticed you pulled your impellor. That's fine and the manual says to do so, but I found it wasn't necessary.

Last but definately not least, PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE SHIFT ROD. Do not spin it or move it from it's original location. I didn't know this and mine got moved while dropping the LU, it got moved while installing the new waterpump as well. When I went to put everything back together I never could get everything to shift right. If you aren't 100% sure what I'm saying please ask. I ended up dropping my LU more times than I care to remember and I finally ended up having to take it to the shop.

In the end, we decided it was partially due to worn gears, but it shift decently prior to dropping the LU and turning the shift rod. The worn gears probably just made my issues worse.

One other thing while you are working on this broken bolt. I had to replace an AC on a Honda Accord once. No matter what I did, we could not get a bolt loose. Finally we decided to use a plasma cutter to cut the head off. After getting the AC out of the way and once things cooled down, that bolt without a head came out with just our fingers. I'm not saying it would work or not, but if you can still apply a decent amount of heat to that bolt without destroying the aluminum around it, the bolt may still come out without drilling. I'm not sure I would try it, with my experiences with aluminum and frozen bolts, I'd take it to a machine shop and pay them to remove it.


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

How long does it take to drill out? Well it would take me about 15 minutes. Probably take the normal novice all day and four trips to the hardware store, lol. Maybe you'll get lucky and be able to get a pair of vice-grips on the broken portion and remove it with the help of heat.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2007
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

I was thinking about picking up some left handed bits. Start out fairly small and work to a bigger one. Using the left handed bit may even loosen it some while drilling it out? Then it should just spin out? Just a guess...


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

Once you get the lower unit off, I would sure try to work with what's left of the bolt before I started drilling. There should be about 3/4" sticking out when you remove the LU. Lots of PB Blaster and heat (And I mean RED hot) may do the trick. Also try heating it up real good and then cooling it down quickly (Ice water) to break the bond between the bolt and the threads. Several of these cycles should bust it loose. You could also have someone weld a nut to what left of the bolt to make it easier to remove (Turn). The heat from that alone may break it loose. Just some ideas before you get down to the nitty-gritty..........Oh, and I remember someone on here said that heating it up real good and putting parafin wax on the threads will work. The heat supposedly draws the wax up into the threads and loosens up the bolt. Never tried it, but I might in the future...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2007
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

Is it bedtime yet? Some days you just shouldn't get outta bed, today is one of them! For me anyways...

Anyways, out of 7 bolts... I got 5 out fine and two snapped! Yes I used heat... lots of it!

The lower end is almost off BUT now im having freaking problems with getting my engine up. I have to manually do it but I have been having problems with raising it. I dont know if im just stupid or the lever isnt functioning correctly all the time? You know me... I use pictures to show yall. Figure since yall are free help I might as well make it easy for ya to understand what im talking about. This lever is the one I pull up...


Now in order to release the engine to lift it... You gotta work with this one right?


Maybe yall can tell me the correct way so im not looking like a big dumb person screwing things up!

Oh yah and just for poops and giggles... look, its almost off!!!




Supreme Mariner
Sep 19, 2003
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2007
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

Mine is manual, I dont have power tilt and trim. I swung the lever up and throttle is in neutral but its still being a pain in the butt!


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 1, 2006
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

ok ,your getting there",theres nothing so bad tat couldn't be worse. "me grandfather told me that years ago.As for the broken bolts, are they broken above the hole, meaning you can get VICE GRIPS on them,if not,and you need do some drilling.First,since your dealingwith stainless bolts,you NEED COBALT drillbits.Always start with small first,in this case 1/8 of inch.Slow drilling.As you get larger almost to bolt size,as mentioned,a reverse or left hand bit is preferred. This drillis in the counter clockwise fashon and while doing so ,often will remove thebolt material from the threads,you need to drill in the center ,there will be a point that you can see the threads and bolt material ,try to pick as much of the remaining bolt material out with an ice pick or anything that will work,once you have some of the beginning material out,use a tap to help remove the remaining material,patience helps ,you DONT want to BREAK the tap in there.If that process just wont work,you can overdrill and put a heli-coil in bringing you back to original size.I like to try and avoid doing that.Last,I have seen ALOT of engines running without the the designed amount of bolts,in fact,one guy I knew ALWAYS left the bolt undr the trim tab out???not the way I like to go BUT,gotta have fun


Supreme Mariner
Sep 19, 2003
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

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Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

Have you never tilted it before? Just swing the lever all the way up and then tilt it. You don't have to mess with the round rod. If it won't go up, the release could be busted, in that case pull out the round rod and then it should go up. If it still won't tilt, it is either frozen (stuck, corroded) or you aren't pulling hard enough. Shouldn't be hard to tilt.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2007
Re: Uh-Oh- Water pump installation off to a shaky start?

I have tilted it many times but always gives me a big hassle. This times its just not budging. Im taking a stress relief break right now but ill let you know :)