
Jul 11, 2013
Re: Mercruiser 862656 Anti-Dieseling Kit - Who has installed one?

Re: Mercruiser 862656 Anti-Dieseling Kit - Who has installed one?

Oh, and we want to know how your hydrolocked engine project turned out. Evidently you won that battle, but were there any particulars you can bestow so we can learn vicariously?

after running the boat pretty hard, there does appear to be a small amount of "milkyness" in the oil filler tube. no hint still on the dipstick. there is also "fresh" condensation under the breather cap....what appears to be new water droplets that have collected under the filler cap. i also removed the vents from the valve covers and looked in as best i could and could see no evidence of water contaminated oil in the breather tubes.

so i'm not sure if the small amount of water in the filler cap and tube is from new condensation, of if some water migrated into the oil. i plan to change the oil and filter maybe today or tomorrow. i know also i need probably to remove the valve covers and look underneath, but they've been "epoxied" up around a couple of the bolts. i think some gorilla over tightened them and they were leaking at one time so i didn't really want to take them off without an extra set on hand to replace them with.

i ran it flat out several different times for several minutes and got it as hot as i've seen it (180). hopefully if there was any significant amount of residual water in the oil i would have found out.

edit: i think the small amount of water under the filler cap is from condensation because it's hard to imagine water that pure looking coming up from the motor and passing thru the oil and looking as clean as it does. i could be wrong of course, but i'm not going to sweat the little bit of milky oil/water i'm seeing in the filler tube. also..i believe if the motor were still ingesting any significant amount of water, the oil level would be increasing, which it isn't.

for anyone reading this thread the history is that i've replaced the exhaust manifolds and risers and one flapper valve after ingesting a little water. i did find only the one flapper valve to be bad. the original one piece manifolds appear still to be in excellent condition. the bad flapper and a dieseling problem led to all that i've done in the past week to get the boat back on the water.
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More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Re: Mercruiser 862656 Anit-Dieseling Kit - Who has installed one?

Re: Mercruiser 862656 Anit-Dieseling Kit - Who has installed one?

you (and now I) may not have wasted our money. A post in another site's forum would lead one to believe that Mercruiser did, in fact, engineer a working solution to our dieseling symptom with the kit. By the lack of real, hands on, technical facts regarding the installation and operation of this kit as originally requested, it leads one to conclude that nobody here knows anything about this kit. I suspect the incredibly high price of the kit led almost all folks to skip it and to just deal with run on in various ways.


The pointless conjecture here drives us to make our own conclusions, which I've always found to be not only far more accurate than wannabe posters would lead you to believe, but in many instances, totally to the contrary.

If you are comfortable with kids swimming up on your boat's transom while its running, good for you. Its your trip to the emergency room. The rest of us common sensers will continue the crazy habit of turning our engines off.

Thanks for the laughs! You idots crack me up.

Right sunshine! Your powers of observation appears to have left you. If you had bothered to read my reply properly you would have noticed that I said I have actually installed one of these kits.

Let me make this VERY clear to you.... The major contributors on this forum have years of experience with these engines and drive, and as most are QUALIFIED marine mechanics, speak with both theoretical AND practical knowledge. They are not 'wannabe posters' as you so rudely called them. You obviously have very little experience working on your engine, and it shows. If you always find that forums provide you with the wrong answers, why come here in the first place?

The tone in your opening post was questionable to start with, and it just got worse from there on. Had I not installed the kit I would have (and now realise I should have) passed your thread by....

As for the comment about trips to the emergency room.... Quite inappropriate... It's comments like that that make you sound like the fool that you are....

May I suggest, in the most respectful manner I can to someone of your intellect, that you take your problem (and attitude) and go somewhere else....