Do you really want to troll, or do you want a positioning motor? Do you want it in the bow or would the stern be okay?<br /><br />Red sky at night. . . .<br />JB
me and my dad want it in the back of the boat really. but if there's a way to put it on the front that would be fine to. we just want it so that we don't have to paddle around the creek. so when boats come we don't have to worry about where the boat's gonna wind up at.
Hmmm. There are electrics that mount on the cavitation plate of the lower end. There are also adaptors that mount on the front deck to take an electric hand control motor. Front mounts give you much better control of the boat.<br /><br />Both can be found at Cabelas or Outdoor World (bass Pro Shop).<br /><br />Red sky at night. . . .<br />JB
If we do that, Guitarman, then nobody can learn anything from reading our exchanges. That's the best thing about this BB: you get a Ph.D. in boating by just reading the posts.<br /><br />Good luck.<br />JB
it depends on what your trollin for too and how fast u want to go i use my boats motor a 260 merc to troll but we troll from 1.5 to 3 mph i would like a small kicker motor though and have seen brackets that mount on the swimm platform or transom any ideas on them? would like to run like a 15hp
They also make the Gator mount. these are the ones you see on bass and flats rigged boats,that tucks the tm up and out of the way,until you are ready to use it. They aren't cheap,but they are kewl, efficiant and tidy. Many TMs come with a simular mounting arangement, and are used mainly on the bow. But they can be mounted anywhere.