Transom Repair With Gluvit?


Apr 12, 2011
Whoops. I may have initially posted this in the worng section. I'll re-post here (hopefully not violating any forum rules).

Newby here. Recently retired and working on getting my 15 foot Bayrunner back in service after a down-time of about 20 years.

Have some transom issues. Rather than undergo aluminum surgery I'm repairing some deterioraton in the plywood transom backing by injection of thin, penetrating epoxy which will involve drilling some (4-5) 3/8" holes in the aluminum skin. In addition, I have some pitting and at least one "pinhole" (~1/8" diameter) in aluminum transom skin.

My plan is to clean the transom skin, cover the drilled holes and the "pinhole" with patches of fibreglass bonded with gluvit and then cover the entire transom with a coat of gluvit. All will be done from the exterior since I won't have access to the interior aluminum.

Appreciate any and all input on:

1. Feasibllity of the overall plan.

2. Feasibility of bonding the fibreglass to the aluminum with gluvit.

3. Any problems with applying gluvit to the vertical transom surface? I'm particulary concerned with the reported long setting time for the gluvit and the spectre of a 48 hour shift brushing back sags and runs :(

Thanks for any input.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Transom Repair With Gluvit?

Gluvit is pretty thin. And when I used it on my boat, it actually got thinner after application before it set up. It will definitely run on you. This plan doesn't sound too feasible to me. Replacing the transom properly on an aluminum boat shouldn't be too big a deal.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 30, 2010
Re: Transom Repair With Gluvit?

The gluvit I used had to be recoated with paint or the weather will cause it to crack, at least thats what the can read.
I agree with ezmobee.


Apr 12, 2011
Re: Transom Repair With Gluvit?

........Replacing the transom properly on an aluminum boat shouldn't be too big a deal.

In this case (welded construction) it would involve either cutting away and later re-welding in place the entire aluminum transom skin or cutting out and later re-welding three transom braces. Probably a piece of cake for a good aluminum worker/welder but way beyond what I want to undertake at this time. If the Rot Doctor's epoxy stabalization for the plywood doesn't work I'll re-evaluate the aluminum surgery option.


Apr 12, 2011
Re: Transom Repair With Gluvit?

Appreciate the input. I did get some input from the tech. support folks for Gluvit. They recommended patching the "pinhole" and the drilled holes with their Marine Tex product prior to Gluvit application. I've been searching the forum posts for some "how to do it" info on exactly what technique to use with the Marine Tex, without results. Seems like in my situation I'd have to feather the Marine Tex an inch or so to either side of the holes in the aluminum skin to have it adhere (since there would be no backing). Anybody with experience in patching pinholes with Marine Tex?