Anyone ever have any experience with rebuilding the Transom of a 1977 16ft Bayliner Cascade with a Volvo Penta 270 outdrive and 130 engine. I have removed the floor and stringers as well as the water logged foam and discovered that the bottom 4 inches of my transom are now what looks like mulch. I am in the process of pulling the engine and will hopefully have it out by the weekend. Since the top 3/4 portion of the transom is good do I need to replace the entire wood portion o fthe transom. This is the first boat project I have embarked upon. The floor and stringers would be easy enough but a transom is a whole new ball game for me. Any questions and tips would be much appreciated. I have read several of the post and topics about rebuilding and learned much so far. Another subject of my attention is the foam. I have 2 cases of injectable foam left over from another project, will this be sufficient for the foam replacement. Also, has anyone had any experience with Seacast pourable transom rebuilding. this stuff looks pretty darn neat and easy enough to work with, just curious? By the way this is my first post and Im very happy to be a new member of your forum, I hope to contribute something positive.