Re: Transom cover rebuild 1988 sea ray seville
The guy that I use is Jamaican and does car upholstery, boat upholstery and also does furniture. He's a nice guy who knows his stuff and is also a boat owner, so knows what works upholstery wise on boats. It's maybe time to dust off the Yellow Pages and ring around a bit. If you find one, they can be a gem, just like the small business mechanic guy. Mine had the stripy vinyl, which is lots of colors all stitched together. Mine were all cracking and splitting. The driver/passenger seats were the original swivel ones and were rotten as was everything else. I bought 2 new seats from Veada and they will construct up to 3 colors. I chose White, Dark Blue and mid Blue. They also sell vinyl by the yard, so I purchased the 3 colors in specific lengths and I used it to renew the dash upholstery, the 2 side panels, the bow side panels (they were fun to rebuild!). I have some left. My guy supplied some white vinyl that he said was better than mine for the sunpad. It has held up well. I have just the 3 bow seat cushions and the 3 rear seat cushions to re-do, so I'll use him for plain White vinyl. He did me the corner sections of the front bow side panels as they are right angles and have a center stitch seam. All the rest of the side panels are the 3 colors, but each panel is stapled after the other, so I was able to do that myself. One thing to remember when you rebuild the back flip shelf is don't go overboard on the resin. I did and my guy couldn't get the staples into the wood, so I had to sand off quite a lot! Learning!! If I could go back to when I did this back panel/sunpad, I would redesign it as 3 smaller panels, rather than one big one. They would be so much lighter. That sunpad is one heavy beast.