Trailering a Yamaha 115 HP question power tilt up or not???


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Re: Trailering a Yamaha 115 HP question power tilt up or not???

First off, most boats and engines will take a hell of a lot harder beating running through decent sized chop or other boats wakes than they will going down the road on a trailer.

Common argument. Can you provide a link to the stress / strain data that was complied to prove the theory (er...opinion)?

I Do have data, though not in numerical form. My FIL drove 450 miles (one way) each year with the 40 HP OB up (without a transom saver or bracket), some of which was on bumpy roads, all of which the motor was nicely balanced. After about 8 years of doing that, the transom fell off with the motor attached.


Sep 20, 2013
Re: Trailering a Yamaha 115 HP question power tilt up or not???

I just bought a used boat with a 2003 115 hp 4-stroke Yamaha. The manual states to "To prevent problems which can be caused by oil entering the cylinder from the sump, keep the outboard motor upright when transporting and storing it." I actually had this problem on a 4 hp 4 stroke. It was stored laying flat on the wrong side and the cylinder filled up with oil. The next time I tried to start it, it was locked up. I had to take out the spark plug to drain the oil.

I keep this boat in the water and want to keep the engine up to prevent corrosion of the lower unit. Anyone have any thoughts or comments on this?