Trailer Width less than 80" or more???


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 16, 2001
Rewiring my trailer plug was no big deal after I bought my first boat/trailer. <br />To replace the rear lights, I need to know how wide the trailer is.<br />Do you measure this at the lights/frame rails or between then wheels or the total width including tires??????


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Trailer Width less than 80" or more???

That would be axel length,hub to hub.<br />Just curious, why would you need to know the width? The kits usually come prewired,but are a standard distance appart at the lights (6ft i think).<br />At any rate, since the boat is not on this trailer now, it would be a good time to bolt some guides on it. You could then mount the lights high on these guides,thus keeping them out of the water.<br />I did this on my little trailer, and have yet to have any fixture problems.<br />It also makes wind and cross curents at the ramp a non-factor loading the boat.<br />I got the goodies to do the other trailer, but must float the boat off to retrofit it.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 16, 2001
Re: Trailer Width less than 80" or more???

Thanks for the quick reply.<br />The boat is on the trailer all wrapped up for our long Niagara Winter's.<br />Some light kits do ask trailer width- less than 80 inches or more than 80 inches and then that gives you the correct kit.<br />GREAT IDEA on the side guide bunks. I load on the 26 knot NIAGARA river and with the current and wakes of boats over 30', I need all the help I can get to keep the boat centered until I pull it out of the water.