Trailer hitch height???

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Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 29, 2009
Guys i want to tow a trailer that has 13 inch tires and i have a 01 ford expedition.What size drop do i need.It will have a 67 Larson with 80hp Evinrude.I am not able to measure the trailer what size drop would be good?



Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Trailer hitch height???

I am not able to measure the trailer what size drop would be good?


The trailer should be towed at, or nearly Level....

If you can't measure it,...
How the 'ell are We supposed to give you any kind of Reasonable Answer,..??


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Trailer hitch height???

Most trailers will tow level or fairly close to level if the hitch ball on your tow vehicle is 18 - 19 inches from the ground. Measure the location of the receiver on your truck and do the math from there. If the receiver is 23 inches off the ground, you need a 4 inch drop. If it's 19 inches you need a straight receiver.


Oct 6, 2007
Re: Trailer hitch height???

Although I agree 110% with Bondo, I've found a 2" drop to pretty universal for the average 1/2 ton p/u. The Expedition is a good size vehicle, doubtful it's going to sit any lower. Remember that the rear is going to bear some of the trailer load and lower the bumper.
Run down to the nearest flea market and spend a buck on a tape measure.


Jan 28, 2009
Re: Trailer hitch height???

I will assume the trailer is not where you are, and that is why you can't measure it (why some people have to be so rude about these questions I will never understand).

So, a couple of choice:

1. Go with what was said above, figure you need the ball between 17 and 19 inches from the ground, while that is not a universal measurement, I would guess that 90% of the trailers I tow or have towed are in the close enough range using this measurement (between me, my dad, my brother in law, my father in law there are 10 trailers of all types, though 6 are boats, LOL).

2. By an adjustable height hitch receiver. There are two or three different designs on the market. I have never had any real reason to have one of these since all of my trailers (I have 4 different ones) all are fine and really close to level. That said, my neighbor tows a boat and owns a lawn service. His service trailers are all only about 14 inches off the ground, but his boat is like all of my trailers, 17-18 inches (these measurements are after they are hooked to the trucks and within 1/2inch of level).


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Trailer hitch height???

Willieboy -- Bondo is not being rude, but is expressing his feelings, like I often do, that people can't seem to figure out this simple stuff or they ask a question that we can't possibly answer since they provided no useful information and expect use to magically know every nook and cranny of their boat/trailer/tow vehicle. Now no offense is intended here but I like to use as an example, the homeowner who is about to carpet a room. I think it is fairly common knowledge that carpet has been traditionally sold by the square yard. If you go into a carpet store these days you will see carpet priced by the square foot AND square yard. One day I asked a sales person why they now included square foot pricing. His response nearly blew me away. "People cannot figure square yards". Not much of an endorsement for our school system is it and is an even greater incentive for us to go to the metric system where you don't have these rediculous number conversions. In the case of this trailer, even if it is not handy, one can go to any boat dealer showroom and they would gladly let you measure the coupler height on a similar trailer with the same size tires. It's just that simple. So while it is easy to come to this form, ask a question, get an answer, and never thank the person for a response, that person never learns the technicalities because they never have to do anything for themselves. What I find odd is that people ask lots of questions about common fasteners. Good heavens -- doesn't anyone look around when they are in a Home Improvement store? The vast majority of fix it stuff for boats is no farther away than the good hardware store and at 1/2 the price of going to a marine outfitter. Those that visit the forum need to simply "think" a little before asking a question. It is very frustrating to have to "drag" information from people to get the entire picture. If details were provided up front many posts could be just a couple of responses rather than the 10 or more we often see on otherwise simple things.


Mar 11, 2008
Re: Trailer hitch height???

i need to figure out my height to .. i was thinking about ti before and it might be a little more work.. but i was just gunna take some scrap wood once piece in the receiver. on connected to the ball in the trailer.. trailer is sitting level and just measure the height between the two pieces of wood..


Aug 3, 2007
Re: Trailer hitch height???

Willieboy -- Bondo is not being rude, but is expressing his feelings, like I often do, that people can't seem to figure out this simple stuff or they ask a question that we can't possibly answer since they provided no useful information and expect use to magically know every nook and cranny of their boat/trailer/tow vehicle. Now no offense is intended here but I like to use as an example, the homeowner who is about to carpet a room. I think it is fairly common knowledge that carpet has been traditionally sold by the square yard. If you go into a carpet store these days you will see carpet priced by the square foot AND square yard. One day I asked a sales person why they now included square foot pricing. His response nearly blew me away. "People cannot figure square yards". Not much of an endorsement for our school system is it and is an even greater incentive for us to go to the metric system where you don't have these rediculous number conversions. In the case of this trailer, even if it is not handy, one can go to any boat dealer showroom and they would gladly let you measure the coupler height on a similar trailer with the same size tires. It's just that simple. So while it is easy to come to this form, ask a question, get an answer, and never thank the person for a response, that person never learns the technicalities because they never have to do anything for themselves. What I find odd is that people ask lots of questions about common fasteners. Good heavens -- doesn't anyone look around when they are in a Home Improvement store? The vast majority of fix it stuff for boats is no farther away than the good hardware store and at 1/2 the price of going to a marine outfitter. Those that visit the forum need to simply "think" a little before asking a question. It is very frustrating to have to "drag" information from people to get the entire picture. If details were provided up front many posts could be just a couple of responses rather than the 10 or more we often see on otherwise simple things.

ya he was
if you havent got the patience to deal with these questions step away and let someone who does


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Trailer hitch height???

Willieboy -- Bondo is not being rude, but is expressing his feelings, like I often do, that people can't seem to figure out this simple stuff or they ask a question that we can't possibly answer since they provided no useful information and expect use to magically know every nook and cranny of their boat/trailer/tow vehicle. Now no offense is intended here but I like to use as an example, the homeowner who is about to carpet a room. I think it is fairly common knowledge that carpet has been traditionally sold by the square yard. If you go into a carpet store these days you will see carpet priced by the square foot AND square yard. One day I asked a sales person why they now included square foot pricing. His response nearly blew me away. "People cannot figure square yards". Not much of an endorsement for our school system is it and is an even greater incentive for us to go to the metric system where you don't have these rediculous number conversions. In the case of this trailer, even if it is not handy, one can go to any boat dealer showroom and they would gladly let you measure the coupler height on a similar trailer with the same size tires. It's just that simple. So while it is easy to come to this form, ask a question, get an answer, and never thank the person for a response, that person never learns the technicalities because they never have to do anything for themselves. What I find odd is that people ask lots of questions about common fasteners. Good heavens -- doesn't anyone look around when they are in a Home Improvement store? The vast majority of fix it stuff for boats is no farther away than the good hardware store and at 1/2 the price of going to a marine outfitter. Those that visit the forum need to simply "think" a little before asking a question. It is very frustrating to have to "drag" information from people to get the entire picture. If details were provided up front many posts could be just a couple of responses rather than the 10 or more we often see on otherwise simple things.

Ayuh,..... Bravo,... Exactly,.... Well said Silvertip.......;)

I'm bearing down on 20,000 posts,... 1 finger typed posts....
If there was reasonable Information presented in a Question,....
Answers are Easy,....
1 fingered answers to Unanswerable questions with No Information to work with aren't meant to be Rude,...
Just Short,.....

i need to figure out my height to .. i was thinking about ti before and it might be a little more work.. but i was just gunna take some scrap wood once piece in the receiver. on connected to the ball in the trailer.. trailer is sitting level and just measure the height between the two pieces of wood..

Why not just measure the height of the reciever,....
Then the coupler, after you adjust the jack to level...


Mar 11, 2008
Re: Trailer hitch height???

"I have read this site daily, and like many forums, there are some extremely talented people here that have helped HUNDREDS, maybe thousands of people.

Many of the high count posters have been here for years and years.

As I said, sometimes it wears on you. You have a bad day, the IRS sends you an audit notice, your wife yells at you and it's're cooped up in the house. Sometimes things just get loose.

I've done it, I admit. Not here, but being in internet forums off and on for over 11 years, I've flamed a time or two.

Doesn't mean it's right, sometimes just because your on a computer in your house you feel a little safer to let fly I guess.

Anyway, I've learned to grow thick skin about it, if I'm the target. Often, I'll get a PM that says "Hey, sorry about the other day...I lost it" kinda thing. Even if I don't, I take it with a grain of salt. Think of it like a ribbing with the guys at work or play, they take a little biggie. We've all got our weakness. "

Jameskb2 told me this when i first started and had the same problem.. i think about this everytime i read a thread or post like these... . think about it. james is right..

i still say you should try my idea :) when do you wanna get everything set up??


Mar 11, 2008
Re: Trailer hitch height???

Why not just measure the height of the reciever,....
Then the coupler, after you adjust the jack to level...

oh good thinkin.. i always seem to make more work for myself lol.. thanks bond-o


Aug 3, 2007
Re: Trailer hitch height???

bondo;you missed this
if you havent got the patience to deal with these questions step away and let someone who does


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Trailer hitch height???

ya he was
if you havent got the patience to deal with these questions step away and let someone who does

Ayuh,... Gettin' alittle Personal ain't We,..??..?? :(

Least that's how I'm taken it....


Mar 11, 2008
Re: Trailer hitch height???

jax read my post with the quote from james... i had the same problem in the thread that i got it from.. actually mine was worse.. but think about it


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Trailer hitch height???

bondo;you missed this
if you havent got the patience to deal with these questions step away and let someone who does

Ayuh,.... Real Fvggin' Personal about it I see......

Why don't you send me a PM,+ Really tell me how you feel Jax......


May 18, 2005
Re: Trailer hitch height???

here is the diagram that came with my hitch.
this is on a '95 F150 4X4 with standard suspention (not lifted)
rideing on 1050x31"-15" wheels. (edit) these are all season tread.


hope this helps

Last edited:


Aug 3, 2007
Re: Trailer hitch height???

Ayuh,... Gettin' alittle Personal ain't We,..??..?? :(

Least that's how I'm taken it....

Personal has nothing to do with some of the sarcastic answers that people
with a high post count like you sometimes respond to new posters.
You could have made your point just as easily without the "How in the ell"
I stand by my patience post and say again if you can't respond without making a newbie feel small ..step back take a break. there are plenty of people who can. There is too much of this crap going on.


Nov 29, 2008
Re: Trailer hitch height???

Level trailer is important- Just a side note - several hitch manufacturers suggest a 15-16" hitch height, for what it's worth.


Jan 28, 2009
Re: Trailer hitch height???

I gotta go with Jax on this one. I have only been on THIS FORUM for a few weeks, and I can already see the folks that are helpful, and those that really just want to "talk, but say nothing."

Everyone has a different situation, and sometimes they just need to know where to start. Going to a boat dealer may not be feasible if you live in a small town, and there is not one close to you (where I used to live, it was a 45 miles drive to the closest boat dealer, and after that one, another 30 miles). Maybe, like I assumed, they are going to pick the boat up, and needed a general idea of where to start, just so they could get it home. Whatever the reason, I always feel IF I DON'T HAVE HELPFUL ADVICE, THEN I DON'T RESPOND. That said, sometimes we need more info. Letting the person know you need that info to HELP THEM, is simple and does not require sarcastic or inappropriate comments. If you are having a bad day, step away from the keyboard. If you just want to be a jerk, there are forums for that to. In this case, I think the poster is simply asking an innocent, if not uneducated question, just because they are new. Let's see if we can help them, because after all we were all new once. Trailers, boats, RV's, etc. while seemingly simple to the experienced, can be fairly intimidating to the uninitiated. I know more than I care to about trailers, plenty of the basics on engines, and I certainly understand that a fastener is a fastener (I love Home Depot), but I came here to learn about marine engines and outdrives. While I am mechanically inclined, I still find the differences between car and boat powerplants a little intimidating. DonS was a great help to my initial questions when I came hear, my sharp mouthed acquaintance Bond-O, not so much.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 7, 2005
Re: Trailer hitch height???

You could get one with adjustable drop/rise and always have what you need if you pull more than one trailer.
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