Tracker pro guide V-16 problem


Jul 19, 2010
Anyone heard of this or any info would help. NEW purchase first day out the boats runs in a tilted position, leaning to the right side of boat . Sitting still its perfectly level. All weight is distributed perfect. Here is what has been stated" this is a common problem on this model" design or manufacturing process dont know. On the very bottom back of hull the right side tends to be strait or flat on the left side using a flat rule you can see it has some downward flare ( what I call lifting flares at the very back on the bottom. Which has been stated that its lifting more on the left than right. So far the solution I have herd is adding a bunch of weld on top of welds on the very back bottom side to produce lift. That would also produce drag, yuck,Sorry this is just crazy to me . Anyhelp would be appreciated.
Jul 13, 2009
Re: Tracker pro guide V-16 problem

Combination of prop tourque and driver weight on the one side. Slap a trim tab on it or just run it.


Jul 19, 2010
Re: Tracker pro guide V-16 problem

Combination of prop tourque and driver weight on the one side. Slap a trim tab on it or just run it.

Not a weight problem, if anything there may be a touch more on left side of boat, actualy the prop tourque would do the oposite and push to the left. It is bran spanken new. One person at tracker said it is a common problem others say they have not heard of it much. Anyway without a dought it is a hull design or build problem. I did take it back but who knows how long to be fixed. Pay hard earned money and cant use it LOL.There is other concerns as well , a inexsperianced driver could be put at risk or danger, the amount of tourque the boat is having you literaly have to jerk the stearing wheel to get it to start turning. Anyway just searching ideas. I have been the owner of 18 new boats in the last 30 yrs and been in probably 50 others and never seen this , guess I have now. Thanks


Jun 19, 2010
Re: Tracker pro guide V-16 problem

I have the same boat (2005). I've only had it for about 2 mos. but I haven't noticed any lean and I'm not too particular about the weight dist. The only time I've had an issue like you describe is when a passenger decides to move around while underway.
I doubt it's a design flaw unless they just re-designed this model. Sounds like they messed something up in production. I hope they make things right for you, there's nothing worse than buying something brand new and not being able to use it.


Aug 8, 2010
Re: Tracker pro guide V-16 problem

Check your depth finder, or anything hanging on the back of the boat, speed sensor etc.., if it is digging into the water, it will cause the boat to list when running, it sometimes acts as an unintentional trim tab.