I have a 79 115 Merc, recently put this motor on this boat and it was running when I swapped over. I was having some issues before swapping, when on the water you would have to hit the primer bulb when you first started to throttle up, then she would build power at take off and run great. Now after swapping the motor to a different boat I am having similar issues, I have broken down the carbs and cleaned them with cleaner and compressed air. I did not replace anything other than the fuel lines at this point. The boat got all new fuel lines and bulbs, new filters. Once you get the motor in gear and hit the primer bulb to get her going she runs like a champ, so where do I need to go from here?
Some times it will idle all day long, other times she will fire up and then die. go through this routine for a few minutes then she will fire and run like a champ, until you let it sit for a few minutes then we are back to where we started again.
Some times it will idle all day long, other times she will fire up and then die. go through this routine for a few minutes then she will fire and run like a champ, until you let it sit for a few minutes then we are back to where we started again.