Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

  • I already do everything myself!

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • I'm doing a lot more myself

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • I'm doing more big things, but hire out for little things

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • I'm doing more little things, but hire out for big things

    Votes: 6 10.5%
  • I still hire out most everything

    Votes: 3 5.3%
  • I never do anything myself; Pass the Bon-Bons!

    Votes: 1 1.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
I'm far from a long timer here, having joined in November of 08 or somewhere close, but in that little time I have seen this place go from average banter and topics to a crazy amount of posts per day. I kind of pity anyone who clicks 'New Posts' only once per day.. you would have 30 pages to scroll through.

Is it the tough times getting people to do more work themselves or just a Spring thing?

Either way it's heaven for us DIYers. Bad economic times are free advertising to the DIY crowd. If things get any worse, the city dwellers may even begin to recall what a garden is, too! ;)

Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: Tough times making this forum explode?

Re: Tough times making this forum explode?

I have always tried to do things for myself, if it is something beyond my ability or anything electrical i will always hire a pro.


May 17, 2001
Re: Tough times making this forum explode?

Re: Tough times making this forum explode?

Having a variety of skills is what helps me out. When my best half's car needed serious engine work, I traded services with the shop owner and we both were happy. I'll barter if I can, if not, I'll find a way to do it myself.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 27, 2007
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

no option for unchanged when its part self, part hired out.

I thought the uptick in traffic was just a Spring thing. I haven't changed my practices. We actually have more tax money to blow this year since we adopted and got a huge credit.

I always do what I can and hire what is over my head. Though now with three kids, I find a take a few less risks than I once did-like hiring out $1000 worth of tree work this Spring.


Aug 5, 2007
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

since getting laid off I am for sure doing more things myself then paying someone to do it. I now have all day anyway....


Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

I wish I had more technical skill and time and I would do more stuff myself. Most times when I breakdown and get something done that requires time but not a lot of technical skill, I am dissappointed like when I hired out the interior painting of our house. With that said I recently learned how to do my own brake jobs on my vehicles to save money. I am in a job where I don't get my hands dirty (not a lot of hands on experience) but to me anything involving brakes is a ripoff and pretty simple I discovered. A brake job on the front wheels costs me $15 total plus an hour of my time versus a couple hundred at the shop.

Navy Jr.

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 14, 2007
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

As a youngster, and when Dad was in port, I learned a lot about how to do things on cars and around the house. We lived in Navy quarters (which weren't bad for officers), so if anything needed fixing that he/we couldn't do, the Navy took care of it.

The experience gained over the years paid off tremendously after he retired. We felt somewhat empowered to at least try to fix things on our own.

Dad's gone now, but I still think of him every time I change the oil in our vehicles, replace a serpentine belt, fix the washing machine, or figure out how to get a stubborn furnace going in the fall.

For things that I need help with, like A/C repairs, nowadays I'm going straight to Craigslist. Some folks have had mixed experiences with the website, but for us it's been "so far, so good."

Another good source for DIYs is YouTube. That's where I leaned how to change out the motor coupler of our washing machine a month or so ago. Found a video with step-by-step instructions.

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

I wish I had more technical skill and time and I would do more stuff myself. Most times when I breakdown and get something done that requires time but not a lot of technical skill, I am dissappointed like when I hired out the interior painting of our house. With that said I recently learned how to do my own brake jobs on my vehicles to save money. I am in a job where I don't get my hands dirty (not a lot of hands on experience) but to me anything involving brakes is a ripoff and pretty simple I discovered. A brake job on the front wheels costs me $15 total plus an hour of my time versus a couple hundred at the shop.

I would agree that brake repair is not hugely difficult, but I would also be concerned what you could accomplish in terms of a "brake job on the front wheels" for $15-.
If I had gone as far as to jack the car up and take off the wheels I would at a minimum, reface the rotors and replace the pads and can't do that for $15-.


May 17, 2001
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

I would agree that brake repair is not hugely difficult, but I would also be concerned what you could accomplish in terms of a "brake job on the front wheels" for $15-.
If I had gone as far as to jack the car up and take off the wheels I would at a minimum, reface the rotors and replace the pads and can't do that for $15-.

Agreed, its easy until you have a rusted line break into, bleeder valve twist off, warped rotor, frozen piston, leaky hose etc. Changing parts is one thing, determining what caused them to go bad is another.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jan 6, 2009
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

I like working on things when they are not broke down (headers on a car, new intake etc). I also enjoy working on the boat because it?s not really necessary to have it running. Most other issues I do my best to not touch them and let someone else fix.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

Agreed, its easy until you have a rusted line break into, bleeder valve twist off, warped rotor, frozen piston, leaky hose etc. Changing parts is one thing, determining what caused them to go bad is another.

Gee guys, I'd think what causes a set of brake pads to go bad is braking.

Jkust, welcome to the DIY crowd. It's amazing what you can do with just a little reading and maybe a youtube video or two.

Just last night I was trying to think of how I could custom make my own dashboard for my boat, not having any idea how they are made. A few hours of reading and about 10 youtube videos later, I'm ready to try my first attempt. As it end up, custom subwoofer enclosures are a hot item right now, and a custom dashboard is nothing more than a subwoofer enclosure with smaller mounting holes and two less sides.

To me, nothing beats the feeling of doing something myself, and with a custom dashboard, a backyard garden, a rebuild boat, etc, I can have something exactly the way I want it and never again wonder if it was done well. Heck, I may even get some ideas for improving what isn't broken!


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

Was a DIY'r back when it was called being a handy man. :p:p:D

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

Gee guys, I'd think what causes a set of brake pads to go bad is braking.

Braking would cause them to WEAR....hopefully evenly. But a seized caliper, warped rotor, or both, will wear one pad more than the other....and one side more than the other.
I'm not trying to be critical, and while I can't speak for SSMAYFLOAT, that is not his style as far as I can see.

Having said that brakes are not very difficult, they are obviously very critical.
Doing a front brake job yourself for $15- seems a bit low to me. Not sure what you can truly do for that amount.

That's all I was pointing out.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

You did not present the option.... Doing the same things I have always done.

I have not changed any of my habits.
Sep 5, 2007
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

Agreed, its easy until you have a rusted line break into, bleeder valve twist off, warped rotor, frozen piston, leaky hose etc. Changing parts is one thing, determining what caused them to go bad is another.
I have never heard a statement more true. Excellent ADVICE.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

I find myself doing less and less myself, rather than more and more. The brain is willing but the flesh is weak. Age does take it's toll.

fat fanny

Lieutenant Commander
Feb 9, 2006
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

DIY is there any other way? I'm very similar to the comments made by SS trading skills and being somewhat of a all around saves and educates. reading watching and Iboats all in all not being afraid to diy is half the battle. And the satisfaction gained from it and the "I'll never let that happen again" (just changing the pads @20yrs old) learning from your mistakes makes you a better man so to say. tough times yea but I've always been a diyer thanks to my best friend my DAD!!!

puddle jumper

Jul 5, 2006
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

I was just thinking about what a question to ask on iboats. Is that not the first reason we came here.:)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: Tough times making a DIYer out of you?

I do everything with the exception of roofing shingles (too hot up there) and pouring cement. I used to do both of them but I now find them punishment jobs!
I trade my skills for those services instead.
Everything I learned about construction, plumbing and electrical I learned from my Dad while growing up. His insistence on me helping with the household repairs and the auto and boat repairs has saved us a small fortune over the years.
I do the same with our children now. If they need help or assistance with their home or auto then they have to help me and learn how to "fix" it for next time.