Too stupid for baitcaster


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 14, 2003
Re: Too stupid for baitcaster

The main reason I started using casting reels is because I got addicted to fishing with plastic worms. And it seemed that no mater how much care I put into keeping constant pressure on the line the spinning reel would form a tangle somewhere. With the casting reel I never have to worry about that (except for the bird nest thingy). Now I can cast the lightest lures and not worry about keeping constant pressure on the line.<br />I know some people would say that I am not spooling my line the right way, but I didn't get it right in about 3 years. SO I have given up on that notion.<br />If I am using live bait or wanting to cast really hard then spinning is the way for me.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Too stupid for baitcaster

You mean not spooling it right on the spinning reel is why you got tangle? Probably has something to do with the plastic worm is prone to putting some twist in the line. And as you know, with a spinning reel slack is your enemy and twisted slack is your mortal enemy. :) <br /><br />Whenever I get a new baitcasting rod & reel I take it out in the backyard and stand under the apple tree, where the branches are just about around the top of my head. I practice and tweak the settings until I can consistently get it to land at the base of a shrubbery about 45 feet away, with a trajectory that never gets higher than my neck. With a sidearmed motion, both left-to-right and right-to-left (like backhand & forehand tennis strokes). I usually just use a t-rig plastic worm with a small sinker or an unweighted horney toad.<br /><br />I very rarely use an overhand cast with either spinning or casting tackle.<br /><br />Plus which, I do a lot of vertical jigging for white & striped bass, & you can keep better in contact with the line stripping off a baitcaster as the lure falls, then if you get bit with it still in freespool, you can clamp down on the spool with your thumb for the hookset. Spinning reel is not so good in that case.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Too stupid for baitcaster

Thanks for the links Roscoe, for whatever reason I have not seen those (not that I spend a lot of time looking). I think what I'll do is either get a lefty baitcaster, use the one I have the way I am using it, or relearn to use it like "normal" people do. Either way, as long as fish are on the line I am happy...


Jul 9, 2005
Re: Too stupid for baitcaster

I got my first baitcaster for Christmas when I was 12. I spent weeks learning how to cast that thing out in the back yard. I bet I went through 300 yards of line cutting out back-lashes. I am 25 now and still use the same baitcaster and couldn't imagine using any other one. Everything I have i cast and hold with my right and reel with my left except for the baitcaster. It took a while to get used to it, but I can take any lure or bait from 1/8 ounce to 2 ounces and put it within an inch of where i want it. IT JUST TOOK TIME.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Too stupid for baitcaster

I have grown very fond of my 'caster. I have it pretty much down, I can go a whole several hour session with no bird nesting, and I am bringing some nice fish into the boat. I am even using it the right way too! I am very glad I dug it out of that box in the garage...


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 3, 2003
Re: Too stupid for baitcaster

Just give me my Zebco Omega spincast reel please!


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Too stupid for baitcaster

side arm swing is the best way to cast but you needs to learn how to overhand cast too just in case you're in a small boat or someone is close by and oh yeah, carolina rig. You're definetely gonna hit your partner in the back of the boat. If you're getting backlash on overhand cast is because you're still snapping the rod tip and pointing it toward the water too soon. It took me a year and a half to learn. How else you gonna flip a heavy bait and line into a small hole in the lilly pad?


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Too stupid for baitcaster

Oh yeah, don't worry too much about backlashes, it happen to the best of us from time to time. And DO NOT CAST INTO strong wind unless you got something that weight more than 1/2 oz.


Dec 29, 2002
Re: Too stupid for baitcaster

Hey Jb. That L.O.W. guide is a pretty smart feller. :cool: <br /><br />I am learning in leaps and bounds here from these other post,, you see I am only 12 and have not had much experiance with those fishin rods.<br /><br />If you see me out at the lake stop by and give a few pointers.<br /><br />


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Too stupid for baitcaster

Any of you guys don't like them thar baitcasters, just send them my way. That's all I use.<br />And FH, I figured you to be much older. :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: Too stupid for baitcaster

I just got my first baitcaster. I used my lunch hours to practice. I hated it and thought I was an idiot for paying so much money (even though all was from gifts). Now that I am used to it, I really like it. The only problem is that sometimes, I still get a cast that goes 30% further than I expected. I lost my first lure and titanium leader the first day fishing @ Rainy lake. Thought I had done everything the same as the other casts. I love the lack of line twist, the length of casts and the better retrieve speed. Fist fishing trip with it, I caught a 17" smally and it was a blast. When I went out and did some casting with my Spinning rig later, I wished I had my casting rig along. I realized than how much I liked it.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 3, 2003
Re: Too stupid for baitcaster

I just bought a baitcaster as well, but I still can't cast it nearly as well as my trusty Omega spincast reel. The problem I have most often is with a cast swinging from my right, it usually ends up about 4-6 feet to the left of where I'm aiming. I've tried different release points, but with no success. Should I make the reel more free to make it spool off faster? Seems pretty fast as it is, and I'm happy with the distance, it's just the accuracy I'm not liking.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 18, 2005
Re: Too stupid for baitcaster

I use baitcasters exclusively for salmon/steelhead in the rivers because you can get very accurate with them. I had the same problem as colding01 for a long time, and fixed it with my release point. Gotta let up on the spool earlier than you think... early enough that it didn't even feel natural at first. Release too soon and it will fly way out to the right. Releiving the spool tension helps also. Try some short, softer casts (10-15ft) at first. I would put a 5 gallon bucket in the yard and cast a weight into it, then continuously back up when I was able to hit it consistently.<br /><br />I also cast right handed and switch to reel right handed.