To name or not to name?


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2009
Never, ever name a boat, at least that is my opinion. I intentionally avoid any personal attachment to a boat, it is merely a means to an end. (and of course, same goes for cars, houses, etc...)

When people have personal attachment to an object, people do stupid things and make stupid decisions! Much easier to think rationally if it is 'it' vs 'she', especially if that 'she' is your wife's (or ex-wife's!) name!
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Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
I name 'em for fun, tradition ... and a radio ID. Smokingcrater, I'm such a sentimental poo that I feel bad when I have to take our cars to the scrapyard at 350K miles :) But I'm not at all superstitious about boat names. Change 'em, drop 'em ... doesn't matter.

Haven't named the Byliner yet, though.

frantically relaxing

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 19, 2011
As for re-naming ceremonies and the superstitions--- back in '05 we decided to re-name the Party Cruiser. As you know, there's specifics to doing this. I had instructions, did it all 'by the book'...

Here's me chanting, have to appease the boating Gods ya know...


Here's me offering up champagne as prescribed--


And me offering up even more champagne-


Me and the admiral celebrating a perfect renaming--


And here's me an hour later taking pics of the hole put in the log by the guidepost while trailering the thing :mad:



Don't worry... Bad luck could care less about you or your superstitions! ;)

que sera sera!
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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 19, 2014
I dont really buy into the superstition thing - boats or otherwise. But I did think naming the boat was fun. Mine is just a simple 18' bowrider. I had wanted a boat for over 30 years, but life got in the way. Kids. Houses. Cars. College Educations. Weddings. Work. Work. Work. I have always been a bit of a Jimmy Buffett fan, so I named her "Change N Attitude". It fit. Its fun. It represented me starting/trying to move into the next phase of my life. Its a conversation starter.

If you find me anchored in a cove, chances are you will hear a little Buffett and I will probably offer you a cold drink.

I dont even have a VHF radio yet, so naming has no purpose other than fun...


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
FR , I think you have to have 3 accidents or run aground 3 times before your luck turns for the better ..
So one down and two to go then it's smooth sailing ! :D


Vice Admiral
Jan 23, 2009
I've had 12 boats over the years. Only named one and didn't actually put the name onto the boat. And that boat was totally jinxed! The outdrive blew up 3 times and I finally gave up and sold it as it was at a significant loss. The guy who bought it didn't live close by but sent reps to examine the boat. They were satisfied and towed it away to be shipped to the new owner, who called me a couple weeks later to say that the boat had been skewered amidships by a fork lift during transport and was a total loss! Fortunately, he'd insured the boat for travel so didn't lose any money. But that boat was jinxed!! :eek:

One of my current boats has a stupid risque' name put on by a previous owner. I removed the last of the decals so only a very faded outline shows. If I ever get to the point where I paint the boat I'll completely remove that ridiculous name. :rolleyes: