To avoid the controversial and out of bounds content ....


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Re: To avoid the controversial and out of bounds content ....

Bravo Tim - fun read.

As a practicing Reformed Druid I am impressed with your endeavor to be inclusive. However, I feel it's only fair to warn you that should an Orthodox Druid see your post he will likely complain. They take offense at the notion of non-addictive gender neutrality. Frankly, we Reformed Druids find them a bit priggish, but a Druid's a Druid I suppose (unless of course you're talking about the Diminuitive Un-orthodox Druids. No one really understands those little guys.:confused: Some of the backslidden Druids have taken to referring to them as DUDs.)

Incoop - I about wet my pants reading this. LOL :D

Merry Christmas y'all.